I am still here...
Sorry I havent been around for a while. Life has thrown me a few curveballs lately. I told you all that I had been hospitalized about a month ago for a blocked bowel, and that I was also bleeding profusely.....well I went to find out what else it could be on a referral to an OB/GYN and he told me that I also have a stage 3 prolapsed uterus. So basically what that means is my cervix is visable without the speculum that they usually use to do a pap on us. I go back in on the 19th of this month to have a cath put in place to check and see if I need any repairs to my bladder. I know I have to have a hysterectomy I just dont know when yet. I want to have it done quickly so that I can get back to a somewhat normal life (whatever that is) and so my insurance will pick up the cost since my co-pay and max out of pocket are all paid for. So that is where I have been and what I have been up to. I am just hangin in here trying to make sense of what is happening. Anyway, I guess I am rambling so I will go for now. Thanks for all that have thought about me the past few weeks. And a special thanks to my secret pal for the email to check on me. See you all soon!