Golden Corral Commercials
If you get Golden Corral commercials in your area, let me know. My daughter just spent the day filming for their new commercial. We don't have them here, so am hoping someone will manage to tivo a show with it in it when it comes out. It will be one that is built around 1400's royal family being served dinner. My daughter is one of 2 servers. She had a blast working on it.
We have Golden Corrals around, and I have Tivo, but you have to be able to record from TIVO to DVD - I have a DVD recorder hooked up to it, but no sound - had it 1 1/2 yrs. and haven't spent time to figure it out - I can record the picture, though. Someday I'll figure it out - I have TV, Tivo, DVD Recorder, and Satellite box to hook wires too - normally I'm pretty good w/ it, but there's so many yellow & red hookups on each one, I don't know what to hookup to what!
I know how that is. I have recorded one dvd on ours, I have 49 half hour shows set up on tivo to record, and haven't done one of them. Really need to do that.
If you do catch the commercial, maybe just the picture will work. No one had lines, it will all be voice over. Wont be out for at least a couple of weeks if not a month anyway.