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Topic: RE: HI TO ALL MY 3-1/2 YEAR FRIENDS!!!!!!
well hi pat! it's been quite a while since i've seen activity over here. glad to hear you're feeling well and too! i finally achieved the normal BMI number -- something i desparately wanted. i started with a bmi of 66. so i've lost 295 lbs, and had a couple of skin removal surgeries. it's wonderful!
life is good.
take care.
Topic: RE: Poll- how much can you eat now
1) 10/14 ounces (if soft carbs than more)
2) 3000 (unfortunately)
3) Daily goal 1200/1500
Topic: Poll- how much can you eat now
1) How many ounces can you eat at one sitting?
2) How many calories can you eat in one day?
3) What is your goal for calories in a day?
Topic: RE: 5DPT
Hi there yeah I have done it three times. It does work but for me I did gain some of the weight back but for me was great because it shrunk my pouch but most importantly felt more in control again. Good luck its easier if you have someone to do it with so you can check in. hugz
Topic: Three 3yrs and Counting. Same Size Pouch!
Hello all. I had surgery on the 24th of January 2005. My starting weight was 272 pounds and wearing a size 20. Three years later I currently weigh 136 pounds and wear a size 0. I thought that I had leveled off last year at a size four (150 pounds) but between last spring and now I had lost an additional 14 pounds (without trying too). Thank God I do not struggle with bad habits but I sometimes wonder if my pouch is still about the same size as when I had surgery. The reason why I ask this is because I still cannot eat alot compared to a friend of mines who had surgery six months after I did. For instance if I buy a McDonald's nugget happy meal. I can eat about two nuggets and maybe six fries. I'm just wondering if anybody else thinks that their pouch is still the same size right after surgery.
Topic: HI TO ALL MY 3-1/2 YEAR FRIENDS!!!!!!
It has been ages since I have posted to this site. I do check it and have noticed that
it has really slowed down. It's nice to see some familiar names and faces!!!
I had lap rny on January 15, 2005 with Dr. Paul Cirangle. I live on the island of Oahu.
He no longer does surgery in Hawaii, but I know that he has many people from Hawaii
who go up to San Francisco to have their surgeries done.
It's nice to see that everyone is doing well. As for myself, I started out at 263 pounds
and lost 120 pounds, but never did reach my goal. I'm only 5 feet tall so I really wanted to lose more. Although, I feel truly blessed to have had this surgery. I am now much healthier and happier. As time goes along, I am finding that I am getting
back some of my cravings for sweets and carbs. It really is scary!! I have gained back
about 5-6 pounds which really scares me.
I just pray that I can control my cravings and be strong.
God Bless all of you and keep in touch!
Love and Aloha,
Pat Nicely

Topic: RE: 3 year update - the good, the bad & the ugly!
I am so happy to see a group of ladies who are 3 years out. I am 3 1/2 years out. My low was 165 (started at 276) and I have gained back 18 pounds. I have a friend who had gastric bypass 4 years ago and she has gained around 15 back as well. It has been very frustrating as it seems like I want to graze all the time. I still can't eat large meals which is such a blessing, but, the chips & nuts are pretty tuff for me to turn down some days. I have made the decision to get back to the protein basics and to try to take my weight back down as well. Good luck to you. I am hoping we 3+ year wls'rs can support each other. It is much different once you get closer to the 3 year mark.
Let me know you you are doing as well.
Topic: RE: 3 year update - the good, the bad & the ugly!
Lou Ann,
Longggg time since I've posted too!!!! What kind of job did you start? And how has it helped withe your weight loss?
Take care,
Topic: RE: Update
Congrats Beth. Yeah, this site sure has died. Miss all my old friends. Gosh, who would have thunk that this far out and still worrying about weight.
Topic: Update
Since my last post, long time ago, I've lost 16lbs!!!
I did the 5dpt, but mainly I've cut calories, and once I got used to the cutback, I hardly notice the change (in daily intake).
I'd like to hear from some of the 1/05 kiddos!!!