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Topic: OMG!!!!
Hello everyone,
Okay I had to post!!! I went shopping for jeans yesturday and I tried on size 14's. I have had a problem with finding jeans that aren't to long on me. On some brands even the petite is to long for me. Well my friend that was with me told me that I should try a size 12 because she thought that the 14's were alittle big. Well she got me the size 12's and guess what they fit!!!! ![](
I am so excited about this!! I also got a size Medium shirt!!! It is weird to put these jeans on because I look at them and they look to small but they aren't.
Okay just had to share!!!!
Becky P.
Topic: RE: Expensive insurance?? yes or no
I am an insurance agent and sell health insurance. For what you are is a bargain. Just think about how much you would have to pay if you had to pay for your surgery yourself. Once you are done with GBS - say a year or so, you can try and find a cheaper policy. Good luck. Linda
Topic: Expensive insurance?? yes or no
Would $199.00 a mo for insurance that covers GBS outrageous? and on top of this a $100.00 starting fee...
Topic: RE: Badly handled situation
Hell yes! You'll learn. You'll even be able to tell before it happen! If that should happen again, pinch the bird... That's right, the bird!!
Topic: Badly handled situation
Ok I had this situation over the weekend that I handled badly. I was at a club dancing with my husband (my new fave weekend activity). Some guy came up and started flirting with me (yes infront of my husband). Then he makes a commit about my t-shirt (it was black and said "Wicked") and then he pooked me in the boob, yes thats right. Well my husband smacked the guys hand and told him in not so nice words to back off. The question that came up is, how should I have handled this. You see things like this have never ever happened to me. Joe thinks I need to learn to defend myself and I should have smacked the guy. But I was dumbfounded and could not react. Do you eventually learn how to handle these very bad situations?
Topic: RE: HUNGRY!!!!!
I wonder if some of this is our minds playing tricks on us. We are far enough out now that reality has set in. Life has changed and if we have not been focusing on our coping systems yet, then we are now faced with them. Up until now even though I may have thought of food when I was stressed, I could not get it down. Now I can think about it and get some of it down. I think now is when we really need to focus on how we have to make this a life change.
Topic: RE: Nice little WOW! moment
Me 22222222222222
I want to throw away my wedding pics and do them again