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Topic: RE: Vanessa's Diet Worked for me!
WTG Margo!!! You must be ecstatic and will be below 200 before you know it!
Don't know if you're feeling this way, but I'm getting kinda nervous about eating this holiday season. Now that my appetite has returned and found out I can handle sugar at certain amounts, it will much harder to resist a taste of this, etc. But I am determined to actually lose weight over these holidays compared to the usual gaining that always happened presurgery.
Can you email me the "Back on Track" diet? My email is [email protected]
Mary Ellen
Topic: Vanessa's Diet Worked for me!
I completed the 5 day "back on track" diet last Friday, and I am happy to announce that I lost 4.5 lbs. I was so excited. Not only did the scale get moving in the right direction, but I finally lost 100 lbs. Since Surgery...Sooooo I am also an official member of the Century Club. Thanks for Sharing Vanessa!
Topic: RE: WLS and estrogen
I've actually had the oposite effect, Stephanie... Since estrogen is stored in the fat, it has to reenter the bloodstream to be used up, as not much leaves the body through voiding... Being obese for so long and super morbidly obese for quite a few years, I am totally WHACK with the hormones and feel like PMS-crap a lot... scalp acne, facial acne, periods every 3 weeks, etc. My doc ran tests and I had high estrogen levels... she said it would level out after the weight loss, but to be patient. I didn't want to go on the pill (thank goodness for vasectomy), so I'll just have to deal... but going from 4-6 periods/year now to every 3 weeks is startin to bum me out!
Good luck with the perimenopausal symptoms... Sometimes the estrogen/progesterone creams work well, too, so I've heard. Love the new KY!
((((skinny hugs)))))
CONGRATULATIONS! I am so happy for you. Now that streak of bad luck you have had is over, it is all up hill from here!
Topic: RE: The Wench is back from faire!
you are the big nut of our group good that makes me not alone!!! I love your post and I am glad your having good times
Topic: The Wench is back from faire!
I have just returned from the Texas Renaissance Festival, where I bought an entire new wardrobe for my upcoming performances. I got a great burgandy velvet Flemish dress an overdress of blue velvet. I also got a nice new chemise, a great burgandy velvet floppy hat with white ostrich feathers, a new black leather belt, a new leather tankard( shopping is such thirsty work), a beautiful pea**** feather fan and mirror, and a nice black leather pouch for $$$. Husband got pant, shirt, tankard, belt, pouch and hat. He already had the black renboots. He looks soooo good!
It was cold, so I bought a nice, black-cotton long cape to keep warm. The kids had a great time! Jake was a pirate, and Linda was the cuteist, little 3 year old pink Texas Fairy with pink cowgirl boots! We hardly ate a thing!!! Amazing!! In the old days before surgery, I would have sampled EVERYTHING until I ran out of $$.
I did sample some great spiced mulled wine. WHOO HOO!!! LOOK OUT!! DRUNK REN LADY ON THE LOOSE!!
Not really! We had a wonderful family weekend and are going back next year to buy household furnishings.
Topic: RE: WLS and estrogen
Hi Stephanie,
First let me say I love your beaches. I have never seen such beautiful sand. Next, I am 50 and in the middle of the change. I went from Jan to Aug - nothing. Then the next 2 months periods from he$$. Nothing this month yet, although I have the weight gain and pimples...yes, 50 and zits...not fair! My favorite is the KY warming lubricant. DH likes it, too. I think it is wise to have your blood work run to check your levels. Good luck.
Topic: RE: He said WHAT to Me???????
What a great, although unknowingly by him, compliment for you!
Bet you're still smiling about that one!
Mary Ellen
Congratulations! I am so happy for you. I got goose bumps just reading your post!