Denied PS!!!
Well I just wanted to let everyone know that I just found out that I got denied for a breast reduction. I am so upset about this. I will start the appeal process but it could take 6 months or more and we are moving to Europe within less than 2 months, that is if our orders ever come.
Just wanted to vent!!
Thanks for listening!!!

I am sorry that you were denied for the breast reduction. Insurance companies can be very difficult to work with. Do start the appeal process. I read your post about the TT and hernia repair. I am glad that surgery went well. It sounds like you have had a lot of pain, but that you are dealing well with it.

Dianne, Thank you!!! I will appeal and go from there. The bad thing is that we are moving overseas this summer. Hopefully we can get this worked out before we leave. Actually the pain hasn't been to bad, I can tolorate it. I haven't taken pain pills since last night. I had the drains removed today and that is nice. I was told I can take a shower tonight but I might wait until the morning. It hurt when they took the tape off my incisions today. My stomach looks good just swollen somewhat. I don't have any bruises so far.
Thanks for your thoughts!!