Happy Re-Birthday All!
I know I have been gone from the boards... life has taken off for the better and I just don't find much time to make it over here anymore. Shoot, I have not even updated my profile in months! LOL! Matter of fact, I forgot my own rebirthday because I was enjoying a wonderful getaway in Savannah, GA!!! Guess that is what happens when you are on vacation without a calander, watch, or a scale! I did not even care about "what I weighed" the whole time I was there even though there was a huge scale in the cardio room of the hotel. Hey, who knew I'd be this far one year later?
While I was on my trip I stayed on the bandwagon treating myself with a bit of sal****er taffy at the end of a successful day! LOL! I did cardio almost everyday, I practiced some TKD, and I walked all over Savannah, I got in my protein (even back on the shakes to supplement), and I drank more than my fair share of fluids! The things that I accomplished on this trip alone is enough for celebration! One year ago I would have never DREAMED of walking around a historic town with my son in tow. I would have NEVER even dared to get more than a few yards from my car, let alone walk several miles and actually ENJOY IT! Knowing that if my son got tired, that I would actually have to carry him. BUT I DID IT! WOW, I feel so accomplished!
I can't even begin to express the feelings that I have had this past year.... the accomplishments that I have made... and the amount my life has been enriched by doing this journey! I am thankfull everyday for my surgeon, my health, and my life! WOW!
A Year of Pros:
* I have a healthy BMI!
* I have boundless amounts of energy!
* My health problems are all gone now! (Except allergies of course, but even they are better!)
* I am healthy, happy, and enjoying life!!!
* I SLEEP!!!
* I am smaller now than I EVER have been in my entire adult life!
* I feel sexy! (Although I am still battling the head issues related to the extra skin and lack of breasts.. but that will come with time and perhaps some PS! LOL!)
* I graduated from school with honors and in a REGULAR sized cap & gown! (And now I am only a handful of classes form my second bachelors degree!!!!)
* Discovered my truest friends! (The ones who stuck by me through all my crazy ups and downs!)
* My son and husband are proud of me!
* and more importantly, I AM PROUD OF ME!!!
A Year of Cons:
* Coming to the realization of how big I really was (I NEVER had any concept of how big I was until a few weeks ago!)
* The expense! (OMG, who knew clothing, supplements and vitamins could be so expensive. But it has taught me to appreciate everything I do have!)
* Taking vitamins and having such a restriction on painkillers kinda sucks! (but it is such a small price to pay.)
* IT WAS THE HARDEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE!!!! (But it was the BEST decision that I could have ever made for myself.)
* Losing "friends". (But if they were real friends they would have accepted me for who I am... THEN and NOW!)
* Losing my hair!!! (At least it gave me the nerve to do something WILD with it!)
* The emotional rollercoaster was NOT FUN in the least bit. (but it changed me on the inside and forced me to face some demons that I avoided for years!)
You know what though... the only reason why I have not made "goal" (146 gives me a "normal" BMI by the health charts) is because I don't want to!!! My goal was to be happy and healthy and when I got down to 148 I was NOT happy nor healthy looking so I am SATISFIED with hoovering at the 150s!!!!
I love me!
Blessed be!
Brightest Blessings for a Wonderful Day~
Jamie M.
aka Lady Autumn
Weight- 257/152/146
BMI- 44.1/25.3/25
Height- 5'5" Total Weight Loss: -105 lbs.
Surgery Date- 1/19/05
Visit my OH profile or stop by My Weight Loss Journey Website at:
Visit my Live Journal at:

You have done wonderfully and have been an inspiration to many of us, even very early on. Your weight loss is fantastic. In fact, when I looked at the BMI chart on my profile, it says that for a 5' 5" person, a normal BMI would be at 150 pounds. You are only 2 pounds away from that and will probably lose those 2 pounds in the next 6 months! If not, you are so close to being a normal BMI, and you already look like you are a normal weight with a normal BMI, so you should be very proud. Thanks for all your support!
Sue Z
290/162 (doctor's goal)/150 (my goal)
me too... I love myself... BAH!!!!
You should have seen me strutting my sexy self all over Savannah! HA! I even got hit on a few times by both men and womens!!!! LOL! I LOVE IT!!!!
The best part of my trip to Savannah was being able to go into all those little boutiques and trying on clothes! Too bad I couldn't afford them! They didn't know that though... I am pulling off looks now that look expensive but really aren't..... YEAH! I rock... toot-toot!
PS- Is your closet just bursting?! Mine is... I'v never been one for clothes and shoes and now I am a fashion *****!!! I have so many different "looks" so they take up a lot of room! BAH!

Jamie, Glad to see you back!! I am glad to hear that you are doing so good. You have been such an inspiration to us all. It is funny how things change in a year. It seems that we are all so much more active now and that is a great thing!
Take care and post some new pics on your profile!!! We want to see how good you look!!!
Becky P.
I am gonna try girl.... I need to update it I've just been so busy with everything... I am back in school again and this prof I have (for both of my classes.... intensive 8 week ones) is a really good teacher... translation.... I have to do a LOT of work on my own. He is NOT one of those profs that gives you the answer... he makes us find it on our won. I am falling behind very quickly since I have so much already going on! EEK!