What's changed in the last year?
Hello Everyone,
First I wanted to say that I have missed each and everyone of you. So much has been going on in my life until I truly have not had the opportunity to post like I would like to you.
I would like to send my congrats

to all of us for reaching our one year mark. I have truly seen some wonderful success stories and what I would like to find out is what has changed in your life in the past year. I will start and I hope everyone participates.
I started this remarkable journey to change my quality of life and establish a healthier me and I can honestly say that I have successfully done what I set out to do. I learned what will power truly was and I learned who my real friends are. People have a way of showing their true colors when you are the person in need rather than the person that everyone is leaning on.
I learned compassion for persons with disabilities. I want to clartify this statement. I have always had compassion for people but you never truly know what a person is going through until you walk in their shows. Due to a serious vitamin deficiency early on post-op I developed peripheral neuropathy in both of my legs. I suffered major nerve damage and could not walk nor wear shoes for approximately 2-3 months. Now true my condition is now controlled and fortunately I have recovered remarkably but for that time I knew what it was like and will never look at another diabled person the same.
I learned what it is like to love every part of me the good and the saggy
and most important I learned that the support of family and friends is priceless.
Updates: I lost a total of 124lbs getting down to a wonderful 175lbs from 299lbs. 4 of which I have gained back since learning that I am just over 3 months pregnant. So look out everyone because there is a mini me on it's way and I do not know if the world is ready for both of us.
I love you all Tiff
299/175/179 (prego weight)

Congratulations on your pregnancy. It sounds like you have had a great year, despite having the neuropathy.
What has changed for me in the last year:
1. After 5 years having to use a CPAP machine because of sleep apnea, I am now free of sleep apnea and my CPAP machine is no longer required!
2. I am now off medication for diabetes and do not have to check my blood sugars 2x to 3x a day!
3. I am off medication for high cholesterol and all my levels are normal!
4. I am off medication for acid reflux!
5. Before surgery, I could not walk across the room without getting winded or bend over without losing my breath. Now, I exercise for at least 1 hour 5x to 6x a week and have a lot more energy to do other things.
6. I had stress urinary incontinence so bad that I was using several sanitary pads every day and failed surgery to correct this problem because of the weight. I now am almost entirely free of stress incontinence and do not have to wear sanitary pads anymore!
7. I have more confidence, because I have had to work so hard at the diet part of the WLS. I can eat a lot and do not react to any foods at all, so I have to be strong. And overall, I have been very strong and continue to look the other way at the donuts, chips and other bad carbs!
There are several other things that have changed that I could mention, but these are the most important ones.
Sue Z