My one year
Here it is my one year aniversary. When I look back I can not believe how far I've come. However I doubt seem to think like that.
I'm thinking about how my body and I are waging war! My surgeon told me I need to loose another twenty pounds. This would be all great and fine if my body would just do it.
It seems the only time my scale moves is when I get my period. Other then that it may move by a pound either up or down. I feel so frustrated and I'm begining to think can I do this? I know I can but you know the little demons that pop into your head and convince you other wise.
The perfect solution....VACATION. I am treating myself to FL. I leave tomarrow morning. I can not wait.
Anyways sorry if I depressed any of you with this.

You have come a long way and should be proud with yourself. My fitness instructor told me to get off the scales. If I needed scales to get the kind that shows the body fat %.
Have fun in Florida...and congrats again!
PS I go for my one year tomorrow. I am curious what the Dr. tells me.

Hi Michelle,
Congrats on your one year! Oh Honey I do feel your frustratration. We are sooo alike. My surgeon wants me at 180 lbs, and My goal is 160. I have been stuck between 201 and 205 for a month now. And I only seem to lose right when I get my period. Isn't that strange. I am obsessed with the friggin scale. I want so much to be under 200 lbs. by my surgiversary date. I just keep trying. i need to dump the darn scale. And yes vacations are always good. Have a wonderful time. We will get there.
My body is waging war as well ... it wants to all head south and I want it at attention!
I've been obessed with the scale since I was given my wls date. I weigh myself multiple times a day - that's sick! My surgeon askes all his patients to promise not to weigh themselves for the first year except in his office - NOT! I've been obsessed with my weight for years and now with this wonderful tool and success in my favor ... I did NOT make that promise to him. However, his theory is after the first year he wants his patients to weigh daily ... to ensure we stay on track. So, I've been practicing all this year.
My scale needs the vacation........
Enjoy your vacation and I bet you come back with a loss. Typically we are so much more active during vacations then we are at home.