Ugh Calorie Question
Ok I talked to the nurse at my surgeons office, because my weight stalled. I explained that I eat under 1000 calories, but if I eat over that I lose weight. She explained that I need to be eating 1200-1500 a day. Well my surgeon has said not to eat more the 3 meals a day. I just can not get that many calories in 3 meals, I said I will have to add snacks so the nurse said thats ok. Does anyone else find it hard to get say 400 calories in a meal. I think allot of it is me not being willing to add high calorie foods into my meals.
Hi Jen
It's soooo funny that you mentioned that, because I've been racking my brain trying to figure this calorie thing about. I have searched the internet and the majority says that for my age, height, and current weight, I too need at least 1500 to 1600 daily calories. I know for sure I haven't been consuming this amount. I thought I was eating plenty at 1000 or less, but I guess there is some truth because the scale has not budged. So if we need to add snacks, then snack away. Healthy snacks ofcourse.

At my last meeting with the nutritionist, I was told to get 1200 to 1400 calories in per day (that was in October). I usually have 3 meals and 1 snack and it is usually about 300 calories per meal and less for the snack. I do still drink a protein drink per day, which adds about 100 calories in too. I can eat A LOT at each meal and still have to limit myself by counting the calories and measuring portions.
I know some docs don't think we should have any snacks, but if you try it and you are successful, maybe your body needs to have 1 or 2 snacks along with the 3 meals. Everyone is different and I wish the doctor's didn't have a black and white rule about how much and when to eat, especially at 1 year out. Good luck to you!
Sue Z
I don't have my one year followup appt for a few more weeks, but at my 9 month followup I tried to get my doctor to tell me how many calories I should be eating. Back then he told me to not worry about counting calories and that my job was to focus on getting in my protein, water, vitamins and to make sure I was eating something every 3-4 hours to ward off low blood sugar (was having problems with dizziness). Of course I see both him and the nutritionist on the next visit so maybe at one year out they'll give me more of a calorie range to shoot for.
It's interesting to see what everyone else is being told by their doc, but it does make sense that we need to eat so that our metabolism doesn't slow down. Kinda makes me wonder if I should work on upping mine to see if it helps any, especially since I've been working on trying to do more exercise?
Keep us posted on how you do after increasing the calories.
Mary Ellen