One Year Later
What a difference a year makes! Can you believe that this month, it is one year since our surgery? Last year at this time, we were all in prep mode, getting ready for our surgery. So, how about a poll? Starting weight, current weight, best thing about our life since surgery and what is your goal...what do you want to do that you couldn't before surgery. Congrats to all my fellow WLS friends.
My answers:
starting weight: 367
current weight: 210 total weight lost: 157 lbs.
best thing: shopping at the "regular" stores, buying off the rack, getting rid of my Catherines and Avenue credit cards....I don't need them anymore!
My goal: to go to Cedar Point and ride ALL of the coasters this summer!
I can't wait.
Hi Linda... congrats on your excellent weight loss !!!
I have another few weeks before I hit the 1 yr mark, but it will be here soon...
Starting weight: 369
Current weight: 215
Total loss: 154
I am still in a 14/16 or 18/20 depending upon the way things are made, so I am still shopping at Avenue or Lane Bryant, or TJMax so still in women's sizes, but I am ok with that. I hope to drop to 195 in the next year, but I doubt this will have me smaller than a 16 but I am ok with that...believe me!! I am large frame, and 5'10" so I have an idea that I will not be a size 12 ever... but I am just fine with that, especailly considering I started at a 28 pants, and 30/32 tops.
Hi Linda, congratulations on your success. This year has flown by and I am so excited that Jan. 10th will make one year with my new tummy.
My answers
starting weight: 302
current weight: 153
total loss: 149
height: 6"0 tall
starting size: 26
current size: 6
best thing: being able to cross my legs comfortably. It is my favorite way to sit. Fitting into movie theater seats. Buying clothes off the rack. Not needing extenstions for my airplane seatbelts. Fitting into chairs with arms. Being able to sit at a booth in a restaurant.
This has been the best decision of my life. 

I cant believe it has been a year already. But finally I made the resolution in 2005 to lose weight and I finally made it. (that is my lame joke with it being resolution time)
Starting Weight 300
Current Weight 161
Total Weight Loss 139 pounds only 11 more till goal!!!
Best Thing: I love shopping for clothes now, I can try them on in the store. I have more energy. It feels good to be at a restaurant and not clear my plate. Also to not be the first one done all the time.
Goal: I cannot wait to be a Mom, and be able to run around with my baby. We have to adopt a baby so we are currently waiting. (anyone know anyone that is giving up a baby for adoption please keep us in mind) Also I cannot wait to go to Cedar Point and ride the roller coasters. And I cannot wait to start running in the spring.
Hi Suzanne, I saw your post and wanted to say Hi. My name is Mitzi and I too can't wait to have a baby. That is the main reason why I had surgery. I am scared because I was on the Depo shot and my period has not come back yet. I have been off 2 1/2 months. I think that is awesome that you are adopting. I thought of that too but we are going to try first for our own. May God bless you in your incredible journey as a mother. I am sending you huge bear hugs.

Congrats on your success! I am amazed at what a difference a year makes. This time last year I was newly separated and almost didn't do this thinking I couldn't do this on my own or possibly leave my children behind. Now I know that at least health wise I am here for my children and can do many things on my own.
My answers:
Starting weight: 318
Current weight: 174 Total loss 144 pounds
Best things: Riding all of the rides at Kings Dominion especially one that I had to get off of because I didn't fit. Shopping off the rack and believe it or not at Goodwill stores.
My goal is to learn to ride a horse this spring and go skydiving.
Hi Linda
My starting weight was 259. My current weight is 122. I wear a size 2/4. My favorite thing is being able to cross my legs. I love shopping for clothes in "normal" stores and finding great deals on the clearance racks, such as my size 4 little black dress that I bought for $15. I love it when I walk into a room full of people who haven't seen me in a while and then my husband walks in behind me and the lightbulb comes on when they recognize my husband. I am looking forward to kayaking this spring. I hope to get back into cross country skiing next winter.
Great thread...I love hearing how everyone is doing!!
My progress to date:
Highest weight: 280
Surgery weight: 255
Current weight: 162
Loss to date: 118 pounds
Best thing: being off all my meds for high blood pressure, polycystic ovarian syndrome & joint pain, feeling and being treated "normal" and not like the morbidly obese person that strangers would either say horribly rude things to or completely ignore like I was not even in the room, shopping for regular size clothes
Future goals: To find a new job or career and to try some new physical activities like riding a bike or running a 5K race. Life is so good now!!
Mary Ellen