Hi, everyone, sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have been busy unpacking and getting a job. Well I got a good job working for the State of Oklahoma. I have been there for almost 4 weeks. I put in all my paper work for insurance, health, life, etc. I always apply for additional life insurance so if anything happens to me my husband will be fine, and the state of Oklahoma's life insurance company denied me for life insurance because of the Gastric Bypass. Now, I am healthier that I have been in many years, and I just cannot see a reason in the world why they would deny me. Has anyone else had this problem?
Thanks for listening to me vent.

Kimberly do you live in Germany right now, if so what part, because I'm looking for some good doctors, maybe you can help me out. I'm in the process of relocating to Frankfrut Germany I will arrive there on Thrusday Nov 3, I have never heard of such crazyness in denying life insurance, I'm a two time cancer survivor and I know they won't insure me because of that, but I have never heard denial because of the gastric by pass, I would really research and see if that is legal. Well take care and I hope to hear from you soon.
Kimberly, Try USAA because I called them and they are going to insure me even with having had the surgery. It is alittle more a month, like about 12-15 dollars, but once I hit my goal weight and stay at it for 3 years then they will lower the rate. This was for a 20 year insurance plan.
Hope this helps!!
Becky P.
Kimberly, I too use USAA and I had them before I had my WLS so my rates were high but they have lowered some since I am at my goal weight according to their charts and like already mentioned, once I stay at this weight for 3 years, they will lower my rates more. However, if you also do your car insurence and banking through them your rates drop too! USAA handles almost all of my stuff, I financed my car through them, my credit card, car and homeowners and life insurence, switching my bank to them after I move too! LOL!
Brightest Blessings for a Wonderful Day~
Jamie M.
aka Lady Autumn
Weight- 257/154/146
BMI- 44.1/26.4/25
Height- 5'4" Total Weight Loss: -103 lbs.
Surgery Date- 1/19/05
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