Hello everyone,
Okay I had to post!!! I went shopping for jeans yesturday and I tried on size 14's. I have had a problem with finding jeans that aren't to long on me. On some brands even the petite is to long for me. Well my friend that was with me told me that I should try a size 12 because she thought that the 14's were alittle big. Well she got me the size 12's and guess what they fit!!!! 

I am so excited about this!! I also got a size Medium shirt!!! It is weird to put these jeans on because I look at them and they look to small but they aren't.
Okay just had to share!!!!
Becky P.

Congrats Becky! Isn't it great??!!
It has turned off cool here is FL & since I'm cold-natured since wls, I had to break down & go buy some long sleeved shirts & jeans. I didn't have much time, so I just grabbed some size 16 jeans & 12-14 shirts to take home & try on. I had to go back to the store yesterday to exchange the 16 jeans for size 14s! I just couldn't believe it!!! I love it!!!!
Vickie J.