Badly handled situation
Ok I had this situation over the weekend that I handled badly. I was at a club dancing with my husband (my new fave weekend activity). Some guy came up and started flirting with me (yes infront of my husband). Then he makes a commit about my t-shirt (it was black and said "Wicked") and then he pooked me in the boob, yes thats right. Well my husband smacked the guys hand and told him in not so nice words to back off. The question that came up is, how should I have handled this. You see things like this have never ever happened to me. Joe thinks I need to learn to defend myself and I should have smacked the guy. But I was dumbfounded and could not react. Do you eventually learn how to handle these very bad situations?
I usually handle the situations myself and I used to handle them like your husband did. Now I am much better at playing them off, being nicer, and even a bit flirty so that I can get myself out of the situation without getting physical or acting like a nutcase! LOL! I realized at the gym not too long ago that I am NOT as strong as I used to be so I can't defend myself with brut strength anymore, I don't even look remotely intimidating anymore! LOL! Now I can defend myself, THANKS TaeKwonDo, but I just don't want to put myself into a situation where I need it. KWIM?
Yes, yu will learn to deal with situations like this, and if you need a bit of help attend a self defense course or an empowerment course, it will help!
Brightest Blessings for a Wonderful Day~
Jamie M.
aka Lady Autumn
Weight- 257/154/146
BMI- 44.1/26.4/25
Height- 5'4" Total Weight Loss: -103 lbs.
Surgery Date- 1/19/05
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