I am hungry for all kinds of stuff all of the sudden. I never used to like junk food, I only overate gourmet meals like Mexican, Japanese, Chinese, etc. NOW, I am craving and eating firehot cheetoes, fruit cups, cheese, and crunchy stuff. I can't eat much, but I am definitely eating more than two weeks ago. After surgery, I NEVER got hungry. Now, I am snacking between meals on protein bars and peanuts. WHAZZUP?!!
I am still losing, but slowly....about 2 lbs every 2 weeks.
Anybody else experiencing this?
I understand, all of a sudden I want all kinds of bread and chips. I think now is where we have to prove that we have learned how to eat. I find myself having to convince myself that health is better then bread. This does not mean that once in awhile I can not have the sourdough bread I love so much, but when I do I will have to keep the portion to one slice and savor it at that time.
I thought it was just me going through this. I too have been craving the "Junk" food. I am not necessarily hungry but craving it. I started chewing gum when I get the urge to eat chips and it helps for a while but after a couple days I have to give in and eat a couple to stop the hunger.
My weight loss has slowed down as well. I am losing about 5 lbs a month now.
I wonder if some of this is our minds playing tricks on us. We are far enough out now that reality has set in. Life has changed and if we have not been focusing on our coping systems yet, then we are now faced with them. Up until now even though I may have thought of food when I was stressed, I could not get it down. Now I can think about it and get some of it down. I think now is when we really need to focus on how we have to make this a life change.
i toasted half a slice of whole grain bread and spread a tablespoon of peanut butter on it. i also ate a banana...and i don't feel bad about it. the bag of combo's i grabbed at school today with a small coffee might be considered a "no-no" though, lol! i go through snacky times and then there are times when i just don't want to look at food...have to make myself eat something. when i get in the mood to nibble it only takes a day of being too busy to eat for the munchies to go bye-bye. of course, the best way is to go back to stage one...but i keep forgetting to try that.

I have been away from the boards for a while now, but check in to see how everyone is doing, and once again I am so glad that I did. I have been the same way for about 2 weeks now. All I want to do is snack. And nothing seems to give me that "oh no, I shouldn't have had that" feeling any more. I've lost 140 lbs. and am loosing about 5 lbs. a month now and I'm scared to death that it's going to find me again with this new appetite. Glad to see I'm not alone, but what do we do about it ! remember thinking, "how do people gain weight back", because I couldn't imagine being able to eat enough to gain. Well I seem to be getting it now
I don't have any advice for you girl since I am HUNGRY all of the freaking time (but I am exercising religiously) and I am eating normal sized meals now! It is so scarey, especially since all I do is yo-yo between 154 - 157 for the last several weeks! OYE! I am glad that you are still loosing babe. I am happy with where I am at so if I lose anymore it will just be icing on the low carb cake! Hehehehe!
Brightest Blessings for a Wonderful Day~
Jamie M.
aka Lady Autumn
Weight- 257/154/146
BMI- 44.1/26.4/25
Height- 5'4" Total Weight Loss: -103 lbs.
Surgery Date- 1/19/05
Visit my OH profile or stop by My Weight Loss Journey Website at:
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well, I though that i was getting the cravings only. I even crave chcolate and that is something i dont eat anymore. I am still shrinking and that doctor says that i am doing well. He is happy. He said the reason why we can eat more is because our stomaches are working more efficiently but i asked him if i was done losing and he said no absolutely not, so here is what i was told., Huggsss