Let's talk vitamins & supplements!
OK, since I asked I will answer first!
I am no longer taking the chewable multivit... They just go bad too darn fast so I am now taking centrum weight smart and I am actually having no problems with them. Before surgery the ECGC used to make my flippy but now I don't have a problem with it.
I am also still taking a sublingual B-12 but I am looking for one that I can swallow instead, anyone have any suggestions?
I also take folic acid, perscription iron (I am iron anemic but I was before surgery, they just raised my doasge now), and Biotin extreme.
I am also supposed to be taking calcium but I always forget to take it since I have to take my iron twice a day and I can't take my calcium and iron at the same time so I always end up forgetting my calcium. I am hoping the daily protein drinks and my nightly bowl of cereal and my multivit gives me enough calcium. I no longer have problems with lactose intolerance so getting in my dairy is not a problem anymore! YEAH!
I used to take all my vitamins, and my allegra spaced out through four times a day and I still have the nifty container that keeps them all but I seem to space out on taking all of the darn things. So now I am just taking all of them at once at lunchtime on a full stomach. Although I do take my iron in the morning and at lunch. I just always seem to forget my darn calcium. OYE!
The only time my labs came back messed up was when my anemia got out of control. I had to go on the patch to control my monthly flow and then go on perscrition iron and now my labs are fine.
Brightest Blessings for a Wonderful Day~
Jamie M.
aka Lady Autumn
Weight- 257/154/146
BMI- 44.1/26.4/25
Height- 5'4" Total Weight Loss: -103 lbs.
Surgery Date- 1/19/05
Visit my OH profile or stop by My Weight Loss Journey Website at:

Hi Jamie,
I just saw the surgeon the other day, he said my counts are fine. I'm still taking the centrum chewables since they work so well. The surgeon did suggens to go to the calcium citrate instead of the tums and viactive. He said that calcium deficiency doesn't show up in the blood, that I would have to have a bone scan to determine deficiency. So, I will do what he has suggested and take calcium citrate. Any suggestions on a good brand of CC?
take care,

I still have a problem taking pills that are larger than the size of a pencil eraser, so am using a chewable multi twice a day. For calcium I use a liquid calcium citrate that I found at Vitamin World and add a tbsp for a small glass of lite orange juice. Sometimes (if I remember!) I add a packet of powdered calcium citrate to my yogurt. I was using chewable iron, but it caused such a problem with constipation that I recently bought an iron supplement capsule that is supposed to be more gentle. I'll let you know how I tolerate it and if it works. I get a B-12 shot once a month and if I start dragging toward the end of that month's time, will use sublingual B-12 as needed. So far, labs have been good.
Mary Ellen
I take vitamins from Sam's.
I take 2 multi-vitamins, 3 calcium, 1 iron and a Vit B-12 a day spread out throughout the day. I will be having my bloodwork done soon to see how everything looks, but I feel good
Another friend of mind who had wls a year ago takes all her vitamins from Sam's and all her bloodwork came back great so they should be just fine to take..hoping anyway lol.