Whats sagging
How about asking what ISN'T sagging! LOL!
Let's see.... what is sagging that either myself or others have noticed
* Eyelids, I have hoods now making me look kinda mad most of the time.
* A little under my chin and neck but I am sure I won't have to worry about that until I hit my 40s.
* My boobs, they are flat and sagging below my bra line!
* My entire back has saggy and lose skin especially under my bra line and in my armpit area.
* My stomach above and below the belly button!
* My butt, it is somewhere down my legs!
* My upper thighs (and behind knees)
* My upper arms (and behind elbows)
* oh and this is probably TMI, but my public area has so much extra skin there that I can't shave there anymore without hacking myself up... it is so sad.
It needs to be pulled up or something! LOL!
So pretty much mylower arms and legs are the only things I am happy with....hahahaha
Brightest Blessings for a Wonderful Day~
Jamie M.
aka Lady Autumn
Weight- 257/154/146
BMI- 44.1/26.4/25
Height- 5'4" Total Weight Loss: -103 lbs.
Surgery Date- 1/19/05
Visit my OH profile or stop by My Weight Loss Journey Website at:
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My former double and triple chins are now one ugly turkey neck.
My former fat tummy is now an apron of skin.
My formerly fat arms are now giant batwings .
My inner thighs are ripples of skin.
My boobs are down to my navel, now.
I am 47 years old, and ready for PS. I plan to get a thread lift in June. Then the arms and tummy. The legs are not in the picture 'cause I can't afford anymore PS.
A boob lift MIGHT happen when I'm 50.
Lou Ann