2nd Weight Gain!
Hello everyone,
Okay I am trying not to get to upset about this second 1 pound gain in 2 weeks. That is a total of 2 pounds gained. I am going to try to change around my food. I am getting in 96-100 oz of water a day and my work outs are good. So that leaves my food that I need to change. I was talking to a friend, she had WLS last August, and we came up with that maybe I am not getting in enough calories. With the workouts I do I burn between 700-800 calories. So if I get in 1000-1100 calories then I am living off of 300-400 calories a day. I work out 3-5 times a week. Maybe my body is like hey I am starving here!
Okay I guess I am just putting this out there to let you all know what I am feeling right now. Please know that I am very happy with the weight that I have lost so far. I am feeling 100% better phsically as well.
Thanks for listening!!!
Becky P.
271/171(was 169 & 170)/160

I know these little weight gains are a major pain the the @##! If I gain one pound it seems like it messes with my psyche. You are looking great though and doing good work.
I would change up the food. When I was gaining a pound here or there I starting drinking more water and that seemed to help. Also remember that we are women and that time of the month we tend to put on a pound or two.
Keep your chin up!!
Suzanne, Thanks for you reply. I did change my food some yesturday and I didn't go to the gym yesturday ( I had a terrible headache). I weighed this morning and I had lost 1/2 pound since yesturday. I had to weigh because I was so curious as to how the change in my food would affect the weight. I put in an additional 100 calories as well. Maybe my body needs more food. I don't feel as if I can put any more water in, ha ha! It is actually all most time for my period, usually the middle of the month for me. So maybe it is that as well.
Thanks again,
Becky P.

Hey thanks for replying!! I do feel good and I am trying to keep telling myself that. I am doing so good physically and mentally right now. This process has been so hard but so worth it!
I actually went out of town to visit with a friend in DC and also visit with my family in TN. I have been home about 1 1/2 weeks and just trying to catch up. My husband and son did such a good job while I was gone. They were happy that I was home though!
I also signed up for a College class yesturday! I am so excited about this! I have wanted to go back to school for years and now I feel as though I have the confidence to do it. Well a friend also signed up for this class, ha ha! I figure I will take one Fast Track class now and then in the Spring go full force. The class is Sociology and it starts on Oct. 24. It meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1-4:05pm. I am now ready to get on with the rest of my life!!!
Thanks for making me look at the positives!!!!! Life really is good for me right now!
I feel better already!
Thanks again!!!
Becky P.