Strange Person to notice weight loss
Ok I think I have come across the strangest person to notice my weight loss. The 7-11 guy. I used to stop there in the morning for a diet coke and a donut. So as you can imagine it has been ages since i was in there. Well today I stopped and got a water and some beef jerky for breakfast (I know weird breakfast choice) and he asked me if I lost weight. I am flattered that he noticed, but worried about how often I must have been there before for him to recognize me
Former donut aficionado

Isn't it great - you haven't seen someone in ages and they are just amazed at your loss. I went in to the local grocery store yesterday and haven't seen the person waiting on me since March. She couldn't believe it. She did not recognize me until I talked to her and jogged her memory! All I could say was "I know!"