I did it! (should have posted it yesterday)
Well I just got home from my first 6 mile road march since I had my WLS.
I finished #11 out of 56 people!
My time in was 1 hour 20 minutes; that is faster than my husband (Jim)has ever finished a road march!
Jim spent the entire time telling me that I needed to slow down, that I was pushing too hard, that I had plenty of time... yadda-yadda. Then at the halfway point he laughs and says... "alright, alright slow down for my sake." I was like no freaking way soldier, I am moving out. So then he starts to laugh and says to me.... "A year ago, who would have ever thought you would be doing this!"
So true... I cannot believe how far I have come. A year ago I could not walk the 1/4 mile to DJ's school without having to stop every few minutes and then resting for at least 20 minutes before making the walk back to the house. Now I am running, hiking, playing paintball, roadmarching...you name it I am ready to freaking try it baby! HOOAH!
TODAYS ADD ON: OMG, my legs and butt are so sore... I hurt in places I did not know we had muscles! Like on top of my shins! What the heck is that?! LOL! I gave myself a rub down this morning with some bengay (been eons since I have needed that) and after a long hot shower and more self massage I feel so much better. I am still sore but I will survive. I had better, I have a 2 day paintball tournament this weekend! LOL!
Wish me luck!
Brightest Blessings for a Wonderful Day~
Jamie M.
aka Lady Autumn
Weight- 257/154/146
BMI- 44.1/26.4/25
Height- 5'4" Total Weight Loss: -103 lbs.
Surgery Date- 1/19/05
Visit my OH profile or stop by My Weight Loss Journey Website at:
Visit my Live Journal at:

Thank you so much sweetie! I appreciate the support. I know road marching might seem silly to some people but for me it is a HUGE thing since I used to not be able to walk 1/4 mile without stopping to rest. Now I am roadmarching 6 miles with a weighted ruck sack in 1 hour 20 minutes.... that is a GREAT time and I did it without stopping even once!

O.K., Freakin' Wonder Woman, so you can march! But how many push ups can you do? HUH!!!!!
Hit the floor and give me 50!!!!!
Hup, two, three, four... your left, your left,
I left my man and 49 kids on the verge of starvation without any food, did I do right, right,
For the right of my country, my home and my friends, I had a good job but then I left, left, left, right, left.
Lou Ann
LOL! Funny girl! Actually I am so weak upperbody wise these days. I can do about 20 or so sit ups in a minute (that is weak) but only like 6-8 pushups in a minutes (REALLY FREAKING SAD!!!) LOL! But it is ok, I will get better with time. Starting monday I am gonna start myself on a strict program of pushups and situps by forcing mmyself to do 100 a day, if I drop and do 5-10 everytime I take a break from studying or switch chores or something, by the end of the day, I should be able to do 100. Eventually I should get better at them. LOL!