LOL! Well my solution might not work for everyone but I eat a bag of russel stovers sugar free chocolate covered caramels and that usually works wonders! LOL! All that fake sugar is a natural relaxant! And it tastes a heck of alot better than mylanta or pepto! LOL!
Of course, drinking PLENTY of water helps too!
Brightest Blessings for a Wonderful Day~
Jamie M.
aka Lady Autumn
Weight- 257/154/146
BMI- 44.1/26.4/25
Height- 5'4" Total Weight Loss: -103 lbs.
Surgery Date- 1/19/05
Visit my OH profile or stop by My Weight Loss Journey Website at:
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Hey, I've done that same thing, Jamie, but that was before surgery...
I'm baaaaaaad, but I know I dump on Starbuck's mocha, so I order a small one and within a couple of hours, I'm sooooo relieved. Usually I don't get myself in the jam as long as I drink ALL of my water and exercise.
Best wishes!
Oh my goodness YES, the Dr suggested colace over the counter at the drug store. I prefer senna from the drug store, it's located near the dulcolax but it's perfectly natural. There is also a natural tea called "Smooth move" if you need to get in more fluids. Just try one or the other. I'm sure you need more fluids without caffeine.
I've heard a lot about those chocolates the other girls are talking about and seen it first hand. I got a pound of sugar free chocolates from Boscov's and found that my husband had eaten most of them one day when he claimed to have spent most of the evneing in the bathroom(he swears by the laxative effect). He has since sworn off sf chocolates!!!
Good luck,

I think I should call myself the Queen of Constipation! I've had problems in this area since I was a kid. Prior to surgery a sleeve of oreos worked wonders!
Here's what I do now and some tips from my gastroenterologist:
Don't take any products with changes the lining of your instestines in an unhealthy way.
Do drink at least 80oz of fluids a day.
Do take additional fiber: Unifiber which you have to ask the pharmacist for but doesn't need a perscription.
Do take colace to help your stool be soft.
Try and relax when on the toilet!
Good luck and good poop!
386.2 pre-op
246 post op 8 months
I have problems with constipation when I've slacked off my exercise....don't know why, but it always happens when I go a few days without exercising.
In general I've found that colace/dulcolax helps and so does drinking lots of water. Since surgery I still cannot do fibrous foods (just makes my pouch hurt really bad) so can't eat broccoli or beans, etc, but can eat popcorn and that helps keep me regular.
The sugar alcohol sweeteners in SF candy used to give my diarrhea as a preop but have no effect on me since surgery. Dunno why, maybe has something to do with the portion of the intestine that has been bypassed.
Mary Ellen