Jenn -
You are talking to someone who just went and got a BIG ice tea to see if there was any way to make it to the end of the day! I can truly relate! My Mom (who is 70) keeps telling me that I need to exercise more and that will help me not be so tired. If I had half her energy!!! I guess I need to get up at 5 instead of 6 to start my day in order to fit that in. Maybe????
Here's sending you an energy burst!
I'm happy to say that my energy has been very good. I'm told it's because I always take my vitamins and I eat all my protein.
I hate to admit it but once you get in the routine of exercising you do have more energy but it takes awhile to kick in. I know that I have more energy from exercising because the exercising helps me to sleep better.
I'm in Orlando too. I work at out the ORMC fitness center, it's not threatening at all. Let me know if you want more info.
Good luck,
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