Mystery lady
Yesterday, I ran into a co-worker from my old job last year. She had not seen me since before the surgery. We were standing next to each other in line at the store, and I started talking to her. We talked for a few moments before I realized that she hadn't recognized me! I told her who I was and she just stared at me. Then her eyes went wide, she stepped back and said very loudly " OMG, how much weight have you lost? What have you done to yourself? " I said that I had lost 110 lbs. and suddenly every woman and man in line (and the next line,too.) were asking me what diet I used! I said "Gastric bypass surgery" and they all went" Ohhhhhh......" and walked away. LOL!!! "Sorry folks, no magic pill. "I thought. Their loss. I could have told them a lot. Just wondering. Does anyone out there ever see super obese people in the mall, or elsewhere and wish you could tell them about the surgery? Just curious.
God YES!!!!!
Then I take a step back and tell myself it's not respectful for me to bring attention to THEIR problem. I do on the other hand tell people I know about it when they ask especially if they are obese. It's neat to hear people tell you in turn that they are scheduled for bypass or that they are just looking into it.
How's your husband?
take care,
LOL, Lou Ann! I had this happen to me at my son's football game last week. Two of the moms were sitting there and I was shooting picture... I piped in and started talking with them--hello, our children have been in sports together for 3 years--then... I realized the same thing! I explained who I was and their mouths dropped open... kinda fun. They knew back in November during wrestling season that I was going for the surgery, so they chatted with me about my success... I did tell them it was NOT a cakewalk, but it was my most valuable tool and I would have it for the rest of my life.
As for the SMOs I see, I would love to tell them the "secret of the tool of life"... and I often times wonder how many WLS patients had thought the same when they used to see me around as an SMO.
I just feel so incredibly blessed to have made the decision that had haunted me for 8 years... The time was right and I went for it. I think it's a "when you're ready, it will happen for you", whatever way you choose to conquer the beast.
Hey Lou Ann, been worried about you with ol' Rita churning around down there!
I haven't had the opportunity to run into anybody that hadn't known about surgery. I have talked to people that I haven't seen since surgery, and they are amazed.
As for telling other MO people about surgery, I think about it, but don't do it. If a total stranger had come up to me and mentioned WLS, I'm pretty sure I would have been offended. I do, however, have a very hard time seeing 'overweight' children. Especially little girls. I saw a gal and her(I presume) daughter at the grocery store. Mom was stick thin, and the girl (?9?10? yo) was quite heavy. I just want to go up to the parents and BEG them to not let their child grow up fat. I have even asked my sis that. (She was a stic****il puberty hit, then she got a bit 'thick'). Life for a child now days is traumatic enough, without the taunting and teasing regarding their wt. I know all kids are teased about something.....but most of us can attest that it is hell being a fat kid.
Big hugs, keep up the good work.
Good Lord Yes,
I live in South Texas and we are considered the fattest people in country. Houston being the fattest city in the nation. Even the children here are obese. I met this girl at a poker party the other day and swear that she may have been 22 and she was already walking on a cane. I wanted to talk to her about WLS so bad but I felt that it was not appropriate in the setting that we were in.
I know how I felt being the size that I was and it just makes me wonder how they feel.

Oh girl, I love those moments. I saw a lady at Chucky Cheese last night that looked really familiar and she kept looking at me. After a while I saw some of her friends come in for her son's birthday and it clicked that she used to live down the street from me when I was a housing area Mayor many years ago. I waved at her and she kinda looked at me funny so I introduced myself and said, "I'm Jamie, I used to live don the road from you back in the days of Lee Village." She gave me another weird look and I said, "I was your Mayor" and her eyes about popped out of her head! Goodness that felt good.
I too want to spread the word of WLS but I never go up to a stranger and begin the conversation. If people ask me then I share but I never approach people on it.
Well once I did and thankfully it did not blow up in my face. I was a at a spiritual converence and during one class a lady in the sudience asked the speaker a question reguarding keeping her spirits up while fighting her insurance company to pay for "a life saving medical procedure." After the class was over I approached her, introduced myself, and then said "out of curiosity would that procedure be WLS." She looked ery surprised and kind of embarrassed and then asked me how I knew. That's when I showed her a pre-op picture of me (I was 4 months post at the time) and she was so excited when she looked at it. So we talked about it for about an hour and then I gave her my contact info if she needed help. I saw her last week and she is still struggling getting her insurance to pay out so we talked again and it looks like my success gave her some extra hope!
Brightest Blessings for a Wonderful Day~
Jamie M.
aka Lady Autumn
Weight- 257/158/146
BMI- 44.1/27.1/25
Height- 5'4" Total Weight Loss: -99 lbs.
Surgery Date- 1/19/05
Visit my OH profile or stop by My Weight Loss Journey Website at:
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I always want to shout it from the mountain tops. But I don't. I think I might have been offended pre-surgery. So I don't say anything, but isn't it funny how we feel the need to tell others. I regret that I waited so long to have the surgery, and if it could help someone else I want to tell them. You are doing great btw!