anyone else gain 3.5lbs for no reason??
I have been at a stall, well not really a stall, but I actually gained 3.5lbs in the last week. Its driving me crazy. I havent done anything different, other than have a few pieces of sugar free candy. My calorie intake is usually around 800 calories for the day. I dont have periods anymore, I had a hysterectomy 5 yrs ago, but do still have my ovaries, I have been moody the last couple of days too, do you think its just my body goign thru the motions of the whole monthly thing?? Dont ge tme wrong, Im so pleased with what I have done so far, but sure is discouraging to see the scale go up instead of staying or going down. What advice do you have?
refusing to add the 3.5 gain onto my stats...LOL
Hey Tess,
I have seen my weight change drastically like that. I have to say usually though I has to do with salt in my diet. For some reason, and it's probably cuz I'm a scale freak now, I can tell right away when I've had too much salt. My body swells, and the scale gets cranky as anything. LOL Just something to consider.
I'm sure it will come right back off. Keep up the great work.
Sharon @ 5'7"

When I go through my cycle I tend to at least gain a pound during that time. Either that or I just dont lose weight at that time either. I think it is a woman thing. I notice my cycles are definately more regular now and sometimes more intense because of my weight loss.
Just my thoughts.