no nsaids
please if you go to the hospital after gastric bypass surgery make sure if they give you any medication that you ask what the medication is and if it is a nsaid dont trust that the dr will realize that it is a nsaid even if you tell them 20 times no nsaids make sure you ask what the medication is if it is nsaid do not let them give it to you
I said no nsaids at least 10 times at a recent eroom visit and they still gave me a nsaid and i did not know it until second shift nurse came in and tried to give me another dose of it ... so learn from my mistake before they inject you with anything askkkkkkkk whhattt is in itttt!!! argue with them if you dont advocate for yourself noone else will!!
with them
200/125/115? I hope

yea I know that the injection wont hurt i just wanted people to make sure that they knew what the dr was giving them and to make sure the dr knows what they can give to anyone not just gastric bypass pt but even people with allergies i have allergiy to morphine and told them that and they still tried to give it to me even after told them i was allergic to it .. i just wanted people to be aware that drs and ers not always right and tocheck what they are giving you ....
200/125/115? i hope