Hi Syndi,
I developed an ulcer post op. I did not have any pain but I did have a bloody stool which caused alarm. I was taken to the hospital ER were I was addmitted. I had a proceedure done with a scope which determined that the ulcer was not in my pouch but in the other part of my stomach.
I was given meds for treatment and currently take nexium. If your problem continues please contact your Dr. to avoid serious or fatal medical conditions. Take care of yourself and I hope things get better for you.
I had ulcers when I was 17... but now because of the gastrogastric fistula, I take Protonix daily so that should prevent any postop ulcers; however, the fistula can be testy at times... But my best advice is to call your surgeon. My surgeon suggests to his patients to take Previcid or Prilosec when they have tummy problems...
My surgeon requires me to take Prevacid for 6 months to help ward off this type of problem, but some people on this medication still do develop ulcers. He says if nothing develops, then after 6 months I no longer have to take it. Ulcers run in my family, so I am also concerned when I have any type of pain. I would say to give your Dr a call or office visit, just to be sure.