Poll: B12
I've just been getting mine at Wal-Mart. I have been using the sublingual B-complex liquid. In my opinion, it tastes fine and you certainly don't have to wait for it to dissolve - just hold it for 30 seconds before swallowing. It also includes some of the other B vitamins which our surgeon wants us to supplement. The bottle costs $6.xx and, so far, has lasted me over 4 months at twice/week (recommended by my surgeon). My B-12 blood level has stayed at the very bottom on the normal range and I want it to run a little higher, so...
Just this week, I bought a bottle of sublingual tablets ($3.xx for 200 of them) and decided to take them every day. They taste just fine, but they do take several minutes to dissolve.
Good luck,
Cindy (-81)