Grumbling Pouch......
For the last few days I have had very little appetite....I'm having to force myself to eat. This morning I could hardly finish half an egg for breakfast...I am drinking protein drinks, 2 a day. My water intake is iffy....maybe 40-50 oz a day at best.
My Pouch grumbles at everything I put into it.....Also, I am feeling very low on energy, and a little dizzy at times...especially if I bend over and then get back up too quickly. I have just added an iron suppliment and B-12, along with my multi-vitamine's and calcium.
I had a proceedure to dialate the opening to my pouch a couple of weeks ago, all seemed well. But yesterday something got stuck again, and then again last night.
Yes I will call my doc.....But I love to get the pearls of wisdom that all your lovely ladies give...
God Bless.......Lanie
A friend had to have several egd's before her opening stopped closing back up. I can't help you with the appetite since i have to pretty much force myself since my appetite hasn't really returned. I would try to get in more water. You may be a bit dehydrated hence the dizziness. And yes, definitely talk to your doctor. Hope you are better soon.