No stricture! Ulcer!
I saw the doc and had an EGD done this morning. Good news: no stricture! Bad news: ulcer! I have new meds and this one will take a while to heal, he said. It encircles my new pouch. So, lots of milk, and bye bye to spicy and acidic foods for a while. He said the ulcer caused backup of food due to swelling and irritation. It also makes you nauseated and can cause vomiting. So if anyone out there is having persistant nausea, even after liquids, get checked for an ulcer.
BTW, after the procedure(which I don't remember) I felt so much better.
I also slept 4 hours!
Hello Lou Ann, It sucks that you have an ulcer, but if you take care of yourself it shoulnt get any worse hopefully. Was the ulcer caused by the wls? I wonder what makes the surgery cause ulcers? Hope you feel better soon as feeling nauseas is no good feeling. I've noticed lately that sometimes I will feel nauseas after drinking water. Not all the time, but enough to concern me. Will keep a check on it. Carolyn