BM's and weight loss?
Hi syndi! I am no expert by any means, but I have to tell you that in my opinion, there is. The more water you drink, though, the more regular you will be, but you have to consider something. You are eating sooooo much less than you ever have before ( in fact, since you were a small child) and of course you wont be going to the bathroom as much. I have finally gotten my BM situation under control because before, I couldnt go to the bathroom at all. I was actually scared about it. Anyways, my point is that now I am 6 weeks 4 days post op now and my problem isnt there anymore so I just want to tell all those who are wondering if they will ever use the bathroom again, that there is light at the end of the tunnel. I have also lost 46 lbs...
Marisa Guevara
46 lbs gone forever!!!
Oh heck yeah.... I go to the restroom to pee probably 5 or more times a day and I have BM at least once a day, on some days I have two or three. When I am going regularly and getting in my protein, calories and water I have huge losses. When I am not making my prtoein and calories minimum I stall. Both in weight loss and the BM department! LOL!
Hi... I just found this site tonight, I heard about it in my support group... anyway. I agree that the reduced amount of bm has to be correlated to the amount we are new eating. I was really constipated after my first week on real food (I had lap band). I called the dr and was told to take Milk of Magnesia. I ended up taking 3 doses before everything shook loose. Then I had diahrrea for 3 or 4 days. Now I'm getting more regular.