Okay, I QUIT!!!! :angst:
Well I did it, I quit smoking!!! I broke up the rest of my cigarrettes and threw them away!! Just now, I might add, as it feels good to do so, I feel major anxiety knowing that there is not even a butt in the house. I sent my husband to the docs today since he said he would quit with me, so he got some Zyban, I myself am trying to do it cold turkey and thinking maybe that is not a good idea, maybe I should take something too. I want to thank everyone for their posts on my last post "Im a smoker, eek" I will try the committ like one of you suggested I think and see how that goes I gota do something, my surgeon never even asked if I smoked, but I know that it would be better for me, and then the Preop arterial gas thing, I want my surgery so each time I think of having a cigarrette I am going to think how much more I want my surgery and dont want it sabotaged by smoking!!My Preop is next Wednesday and my blood gases should be fine by then, so I hear! So again thanks for the support Ill let you all know how its going!!
Love ya Christi
Would it help you if I zapped you with my anti-ciggie gun?
LOL! Just kidding, thought you might like a laugh! Anyways... congratz on quitting, I have been smoke free for 8 years and I am loving it!
A big 'ol to you!
Brightest Blessings~
257 lbs./5' 4"/44.2 BMI
Surgery Date: 1/19/05
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If you are reading this in English, Thank a Soldier!"
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Congrats! I smoked for 30 years and decided to quit in August. I like you threw away the cigs and quit cold turkey and I smoked a pack and 1/2 a day! As of today still smoke free! I can smell stuff and taste stuff that I have not be able to do in years. Just keep remembering that there is a reason for quitting and that is to be healthly and skinny and happy! Good luck!
Hey Christi! I'm a former smoker (quit in 1997) who went through 3 packs a day. I had tried many times to quit, but it was just awful and I couldn't stick with it. I ended up using Nicoderm CQ patches and they worked. The first week was kind of rough, but I had my husband take me places where you can't smoke. If you can make it through the first week, you're on your way. Good luck and way to go! Oh, my surgery is this Monday the 17th. Yikes!
Take care,