Hi my name is Shemica and im new to the website and my surgery date is 1/17/05 and i was wondering if anybody have any last advice like What do I need to bring to hosp.? How long u think I might be in there(having open)? What to expect before, during, & after? How long do it takes to recover? Will I be in alot of pain after surgery? What do I need to buy before surgery? How long is the sugery? & Do anybody regret having the surgery?
Thank You

Hi, ij just had my surgery on the 3rd. You don't need to bring much as far as clothing....just a bath robe and some slippers. you will also need a outfit to go home in (something loose). Your stay will depend on your recovery but you should probaly bet on a least three nights. I had lap and was in for 2 nights.
you will be very nervous before the surgery but you can asked for something to put in your IV to relax you. once out of surgery you will be groggy and may be in some pain but you will be on narcotics to help aleveate that. You also may experience a gassy feeling up in your chest area and the best thing to do is walk around...once you start burping it will go away. The hospital is still no place like home or the bed! Being 5 days post-op i'm still sore but soreness from a bruised muscle in my stomach and i don't need the pain med anymore i'm just taking advil for the muscle pain. you will do fine and if you have anymore questions e-mail I don't regret it, i'm not hungery at all it is become more of a project tp eat overall.
Hi Shemica, I'm glad you have joined us on the site. You will find alot of nice people here. Congrats on your schedualed surgery. I'll be having mine on the 31st. The last post was right. You will need a robe and slippers in the hospital. As far as what you'll need at home ,at first is alot of sugar free products and a good protein drink like pro-complex or pro-rated. Pick up some peppermint extract to put on crushed ice. This will help with nausea. There is several over the counter meds that you'll need as well(example: adult strenghth liquid tylenol,chewable ,multivitamins,ect.). Try to get chewables when ever possible if you cant get liquids. The best thing for you after the surgery will be walking. Try not to scare your self thinking about it(the surgery). Many of your questions you can find answers for on this website. Every thing will be fine and yes being nervous is perfectly normal . If you need any thing feel free to email me. take care,