Peoples Negitive Opinions on WLS
I am having sugery on Monday Jan 10th and my boss attacked me yesterday and told me she a upset I was having this done and that I have no will power and that being fat is 99.9 % in my head. That she just knows that. I work at a womens fitness facility and she thinks gastric bypass is the easy way out and it doesn't count. I have a different outlook on this. I have been big since birth and thats not in my head and I think losing weight any way you do it counts. I happen to be 300pds working in a fitness place and I haven't been able to do this. Now being 4 days away I am sad, because she pretended to be a big supporter to by face(not behind my back) and of course being that people pleaser I can't please her. I have heard her talk about other bypass losers and she lets it be known to everyone that they lost those inches but gastric was the way they did this. What can I say to make her understand that this is major and that it does count. Thanks for listening.
First of all I'm so sorry this happened. I know if it were me I would be terribly upset and hurt and it seems you feel the same way.
There is really nothing you can do to change her mind. She is the one with the problem, which is based on lack of education on her part. Perhaps she hasn't read the news lately where all of the popular diet programs (minus Weigh****chers) don't even have scientific proof that their diets work. In addition, this is the ONLY known weight loss solution that people know of today that has success stories of the most weight lost over the longest time period of anything else out there.
The easy way? Perhaps she should try following your food plan after surgery - sipping an ounce of food slowly at a time. Dealing with the psychological changes, learning a new lifestyle, never ever being able to cheat on food without having a physiological response from our bodies.
Just take pride in knowing you have made the best choice out there on your quest for health and know that it is nobody else's business. It seems as if people just can't stand to knock us when we are at the top.
Hang in there - we are all making an extremely brave decision. Again, I'm sorry you had to get that from someone you are close to but it won't be the last unfortunately. I get that ALL the time. It goes in one ear and out the other - I'm waiting to see all those people's faces when the pounds start to drop...
Best wishes -
kristen some people think like that it is unfortunate that they do they obviously have never been overweight and dont know what it is like to be like us .. i go in the 18th of jan my mom first thought the easy way until i started educating her about it and told her it is my only choice to help me as far as my health goes ,, you are making a brave choice and just know that everyone on this website supports you maybe your boss might come around if she gets the right education about it but if not it is her loss ............. but you will be happy when you do the losing i know i will best of luck to you on your big day see you on the losing side
debby email me anytime
[email protected]
Hi Kristen,
It's so hard when you find out the truth about people you respect, or have been taught to respect. If she is not overweight, or ever been overweight there is no way she will ever know the the physical and emotional anguish we suffer. If she is overweight and still ridicules you, she must be jealous. Just know you have made a lifechanging decision to better yourself! (that may scare her) What a positive thing! Don't let little people with little minds upset you....that's gives them control of your feelings. I have actually had "friends" tell me, "I guess you know I am going to hate you!" Remember the Revlon commercial? I just tell them, "Then hate me because I'm beautiful!"
and guess what?????.....they will, I'm going to make sure of it!!
. I am having my surgery this morning at 7:30. I can't wait to be on the "losing side". I hope all goes well for you and I will remember you in my prayers.
God bless,

Your conversation with your supervisor should have just ended. You don't have to explain anything to her. WLS is not a easy way out of losing weight. You will see that it takes alot of hard work and discipline to lose weight and keep it off. Some people are envy of those who lose weight and becomes a new person.
I had decided not to share my WLS information with my co workers until 2 days before surgery and by then I didn't care what anyone said about me losing weight.
You are in charge of your life and don't let others make decisions
for you.
This is your chance to get healthy.
Supervisor should be
Share your success carefully with those you can really trust
Not with those who will make you want to
My thoughts and prayers are with you as your date draws close.
You will be a loser real soon.
Keep us posted
Tammie G.

i have not had surgery as of yet i am scheduled january 31st. but i do from what i have seen, people that say stuff like that have never known the pain we go thru not just or bodies but mentally as well, i to have also been a "big girl" all my life. please dont be sad you are starting a whole new life for yourself and i applaude you for having the courage to change. any time you want to chatt just email me. we all need support. i will keep you in my prayers on a speedy recovery. keep us posted
julie k
You can't. Some people don't understand. I'm not up to your part yet but will be. I just told a few of my friends and couple laughed and as if i wasn't there.They told the other one (who supports me),"Kim is a looser.She need something ,a another group.Here she helps others and she can't help herself." I had tears in my eye as my other friend (supporter) says," That's it ,Kim has helped everyone she knows.She goes beyond.Remember when she had operation and told she may not be able to walk.But, a little girl came with cancer to see her animals and Kim got outside and made the girls day and dream.She paid for it But Kim is big hearted person.She needs support now.She even helped you on things. She now need help but she is doing this for she has to. Or she'll be in wheelchair for life.If you pick on her now then how are you going to be if she was in a chair. you're no friend but used her for things.Get out of her sight.You need help guys." She gave me a hug.But I felt maybe they are right.This was yesterday. I cried but then I came here and read more and you know -I do have a group. New friends and family here. You are one too. I pray for you all. Thanking all too. So, my idea is -dear be you if they don't like it tough s#@t. We are winners for we are one. We don't have to prove to no one.We are one in Gods eye.You have us all here Good luck and keep us posted. I can't wait for my time. Have a speedy recovery. Email me anytime at- [email protected]

You are not alone in this. I actually just finished venting on another post board about this very same issue.
I'm sick of people thinking that I am "copping out" or too lazy to "lose the weight on my own". It comes down to one simple fact: THEY JUST DON'T GET IT AND NEVER WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sure, there are some people who have gained weight later in life for several different reasons. Then there are those of us who have been crazy active and yet have been big since childhood.
DON'T LISTEN TO THEM. There is a reason why only a minute fraction of obease, especially morbid obease individules lose the weight of their "own doing"-----that is the lottery of people who has that work for them!
Today is January17th. I am 12 days out. I have deleted almost every piece of email that I have opened, since returning. (My first chance on the computer.) I had to reply to this. I am shocked and dismayed by the idiocy of this woman.
1st - Has everyone simply forgotten the rules of the civilized world? This is your boss. She has absolutely no legal rights to even make such comments. Her comments should be considered harrassment. You should let her know that her comments are demeaning, and unwelcome. Period. As hard as it is, you need to pull yourself back. I know that I have trouble wanting to shout to the world "Hey I just had surgery and soon I'm going to be just like you". Guess what? The sad truth is, that people don't want us (the fat ones) to be just like them (slim). For a lot of sad, small minded individuals, (some even formerly large ones) it makes them feel better about themselves if we are fat. When we start to lose, it really throws them off. I had a very great friendship (so I thought) with a girl who had a port wine scar on her face. No big deal. I thought that she was gorgeous. Everyone who knew her did. I was overweight. (Not like now), I lost like 80 pounds over a couple of months, and I also lost her. She couldn't stand the new me. I think that I was pretty bearable about it. My other best friend stood by me through it.
You might have to just look at it like that, and be willing to cut her loose.
2nd - I really feel for you and the pain that she caused you. I hope that you have had your surgery already and are home and ready to start your new life. Take care. Junith
Tell your boss shame on you, God is listening. If you aren't careful, you just might find out just how hard it is for some people to lose weight.
(It is funny how people seem to end up turning into what they criticize, so the boss may just end up understanding the problem way more than she wants to.)