
Rhonda F
on 5/21/07 1:51 am - Eldridge, IA
I am over 2 years out from surgery and am doing great except for one thing. I am anemic. They have tried doubling my dosage, taking two dosages at different times during the day, taking it with orange juice (or something acidic to help it absorb), they did a procedure to lesson my heavy periods, and now they are sending me to a GI Dr to check for colon cancer as anemia is a symptom of colon cancer and it happens to have occurred on my Dad's side of the family. I am kind of worked up about it but don't really feel like I have cancer. I go to the GI Dr for a consult today. My ankles and legs have been swelling up which is why I went to the Dr in the first place and she told me that is a symptom of anemia after ruling out most other causes of swelling. Anyway, I am writing to see how common it is for patients of our surgery to battle with anemia still after 2+ years. Any advice? Thanks, Rhonda
Vickie J
on 5/28/07 3:01 am - Tallahassee, FL
Rhonda, I know several in our support group have problems with being anemic or borderline anemic. I haven't been anemic but my iron has always hung around the bottom end of normal for most of the past year. I've had 5 rounds of plastic surgery (inc. some complications) and the required pre-op labs (plus my regular labs) indicated I was within the normal range, but usually on the low end. After my last ps for a hematoma evacuation I was so low that I had to have 3 units of blood tranfused. I take Bariatic Advantage 29mg Iron daily and try to eat lots of protein (50-80g / day). I don't usually do protein supplements b/c my surgeon isn't a big fan of them but I've learned that I must supplement before & after surgery to keep my levels from dropping too low and to aid in healing. I hope all goes well with your consult. Keep taking your iron & maybe try to up your protein intake. Vickie J.
on 7/19/07 2:15 pm - PA
Hi Rhonda, I was diagnosed with anemia too. They thought I was bleeding internally because of all the pain and low Iron. I've been getting 2 IV transffusions a week for the past month, I'll have another blood count this coming Monday. I feel so much better, I was to the point where I was taking naps everyday,just exhausted. I also had severe abdominal/gas pain with the low Iron. The Hematologist told me that we do not absorb the Iron at all, and that it takes about 2 years for the body to completely deplete like mine did. About 4yrs ago I had Uterine ablasion, so I don't get a period anymore. Have you had your potassium checked? Try to eat bannana's and drink OJ. Good luck and keep me posted Take care Syndi
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