50 things to do instead of snacking

(deactivated member)
on 3/31/07 10:20 pm - Makawao-Maui, HI
aloha everyone, snacking is my biggest downfall. Especially late at night which is why I am here on the boards right now instead of eating. I posted 50 things you can do instead of snacking on my profile in a blog if you want to check it out. You can also copy and paste it to a word document and print it. Stick it on the refrigerator which is what I did. Its helping me. Hugz and BTW I LOVE my OH family members.
on 5/29/07 1:32 pm - Wichita Falls, TX
Mitzi - hey that is exactly why I'm on the website tonight too! I've been snacking uncontrollably especially at work. I've gained 10-15lbs depending on the day. I'll have to check out the 50 things.
on 9/16/07 1:20 am - Robinson, TX
What a neat list - thanks for thinking it up! I copied it to a word document & saved it to my desktop so I could open it any time. I think I might even expand it to 100...
(deactivated member)
on 9/16/07 4:57 am - Makawao-Maui, HI
Aloha Jamie, when you come up with the other 50 let me know. hehehehehe hugz have a great Sunday
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