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Topic: RE: protein powder pancakes
I don't remember where I copied this from but you could probably just add the protein to it. I have lots of recipes I have copied so I will keep looking.
Oatmeal Pancakes
1/2 cup old-fashioned oatmeal (dry)
1/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese
4 egg whites
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
Whoosh all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Spray a nonstick skillet with cooking spray. Add the batter and cook over medium heat until both sides are lightly browned.
28 gram Protein
Topic: RE: Kaiser & Plastics
or I guess let one happen. I used to get them allot before I learned how to avoid it. I did tell the nurse that so she could write it in the letter. Make sure you tell them it is interfering with your ambulation. From a hip point of view...mine is but I guess that didn't count. I walked 5 miles each day the past 3 my hip is hurting and my lower back. Guess I could wear a girdle or something but I refuse to go back there.

Topic: RE: Kaiser & Plastics
So basically, I have to create the rash in order to get reconstructive surgery. That is just so wrong.
Topic: RE: Kaiser & Plastics
Good Luck! I also have no rashes. I learned how to bypass that with Coolmax and a hair dryer.
I tried to get mine approved because of low back pain. Hx of L5 surgery in 92. Hip pain and sciatica is worse now that it is hanging there. They denied it because it isn't interfering with my ambulation. (*hint) I am not sure if they meant the belly being in the way or the pain but it isn't soooooooo trying to come up with 6500 is fun. NOT.

Topic: Kaiser & Plastics
Hey all ... I have a question for anyone who has successfully gotten plastic surgery out of Kaiser.
I have just managed to get a referral to Kaiser plastics ... Now the fight begins.
My problem is ... I do not get "rashes". I have back pain both upper and lower, have to move the excess out of the way to clean (sorry about that), and when I try to exercise, it keeps swinging and throwing my back out .... But I do not get the prerequisite rashes.
Does anyone have any suggestions/recommendation to get around this particular sticking point?
Topic: RE: abdominaplasty
This will all be worth it!!!!!I had mine in march and I would do it over again in a minute!!!!!I did however do more than I should have when he took the drains out so I suggest when they say take it easy you do because I was awake when they reinserted them all because I did not listen
I am so greatful for this though, You'll look awesome and feel so much better, weigh loss is usually a little more after as well!!!!

Topic: RE: Pregnant
I was exspecting and my gift arrived 9/24/05 and she was PERFECT and I cant believe I FINALLY had a baby after waiting all this time... Is this something you want? If so I hope thats the reason your sick... Its worth it in the end..
Topic: RE: abdominaplasty
I had a panniculectomy done on Dec 16th.......... So we are going through this together. Best of wishes to you hun!
Topic: RE: abdominaplasty
Congrats on having your surgery. I know for me, that completed the whole process of the weight loss. I had mine done 11 months ago. The drains were the worst......I had mine for 14 days. Hope you are feeling better real soon. Happy Holidays