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Topic: RE: I'm so upset...
Hi Barbie,
Love your new pix! I would not recognize that it was you if you had not included your old photo in the new one!
New jobs and co-workers and situations are always stressful, aren't they? I hope by now you are feeling better and feel in better control. I haven't checked this site for a couple of weeks (my mother is very ill and I have had to move her into a skilled nursing facility due to being unable to work, watch her, care for her, stop her from falling, etc etc), or I would have responded earlier.
I bet once you get into a routine with your new co-workers, and have figured out your 'place in the pack' you will feel loads better and in better control of your cravings. I went with some friends to the local Dairy Queen the other night and gave in to a desire to try one of their blizzards! I was surrounded by kids so was able to share my blizzard out with all the kids yet still was satisfied with only a little bit of my size small. And best of all, with all the increased activity I have had, it did not cause a hiccup on the scales or in trying on new clothes that I finally had to break down and buy!
Add this to your routine now that you are traveling so much - pack a pair of headphones and DVD or cassette player and some tapes/cd's. While at your extended stay hotel or where ever, hit the fitness center while your new co-workers go to happy hour for a 60 or 90 min workout, or a quick swim, and then meet your co-workers for dinner after, only eat off the appetizer menu or off the kids menu, and promise yourself a smoothie later when tucked up in bed, chances are you will be tired and go to sleep without it! Worth a try anyway!
Good luck! I still haven't figured out how to get photos up, but not tried very hard due to time constraints with caring for my Mother. By the way, she is also bi-polar and she is currently having issues with this in addition to her terminal disease. That is what I find is so hard about living with someone with bipolar disorder, you never know what/when the next cycle will be or what will prompt it. And with Mom, it seems like the cycles are more and more frequent and more and more serious and problematic to deal with. She has had to be hospitalized for the last 2 really big cycles, and now with her other medical problems, it seems like everyone is writing off her current symptoms as part of her disease process, and I am jumping up and down saying, you know what, this is what has happened before and this is treatable, lets treat it. I know it won't make a difference in the quantity of her life, but it certainly will in the quality of her life, which is much more important to me now, as she is probably within the last few weeks to months of her life right now.
When I figure out the photos I will get some water sking photos up!
Take care and hang in there!
Topic: RE: excercise
At first it seemed like the exercise will slow down weight loss BUT - and this is the important part - it increases your metabolism and therefore causes more weight loss in the long term. What happens is the exercise builds more muscle which weighs more than fat, but the more lean muscle you have, the faster your metabolism goes and burns more fat, and therefore more pounds! AND INCHES!
I personally like Pilates, I have been going faithfully 2-3X/week since 4 weeks after surgery and I feel that it has really helped keeping me toned and defining my muscles. Everyone in the class has noticed my weight loss and how much better I am moving and doing the moves and the instructors are really supportive and very enthusiastic. I also do weighted workout and treadmill. The most important thing is to do something you enjoy and you will benefit from any purposeful and intentional activity. Find a personal trainer at the gym and express your likes and dislikes, if they don't listen to you or explain things well as to benefits, go to someone else!
See you at the gym!
Good luck!
Topic: I know it's early, but...
is anyone else worried about the Holiday's? I will be 11 months post-op by Christmas. I am worried that I may eat to much. I find it harder to not eat when people are around and watching you. I still have a hard time when I go out with my family. I mean how many restraunts start you off with that damn bread? I have been good about not eating it because I know I won't be able to eat anything else. However, come Thanksgiving and Christmas it seems the days revolve around food. There will be food around all day long.

Topic: RE: Finally below 200, it's been along ride!
Isn't it a wonderful feeling? Good job you should be very proud of yourself

Topic: RE: Weigh In
Hi Kimberley, I understand that those last pounds are kind of challenging to get rid off, but NOT IMPOSIBLE, so keep on doing the right things and don't let go of your dream! Sending you good thoughts

Topic: RE: Weigh In
Well you are doing pretty good there hun................. You are almost there............... Just hang in there hun!
Topic: Weigh In
Yes, today was my weigh in and the scale read 141.5! Was really hoping for 140! Only down a pound this week. I'm 7 months post-opt and the weight is really coming off slow the past month or so! I know I've lost every week, but I just want to get to my goal of 125. Only 16.5 more pounds to go! It'll take forever!
I'm really happy
with what I've accomplished thus far! I have a convention to go to the first weekend in October and I was really hoping to be at my goal. Oh well!
Will I continue to lose only 1 - 1 1/2 lbs. a week now? I go see my surgeon this afternoon. Hopefully, he'll have some answers for me. I also get a pain on my left side just under my ribs. I'll ask him about this as well as some other concerns I have.
Best of luck
to all of you on your continued WLS journey!
Some day I hope!!

Topic: RE: Finally below 200, it's been along ride!
Congratulations Catherine!
Keep up the good work!
Some day I hope!

Topic: RE: Finally below 200, it's been along ride!
Congratulations!!! I cant wait to be there, im at 211 and its driving me crazy the scale wont move but I know eventually I will prevail over my scale and finally reach my secong goal...My first was to be 100 down in 6 months and i made it. I am a little over 7 months and a total of 111 down meaning i started at 322...what a difference. Keep up the good work