ok update on me

on 1/19/05 6:17 pm - Atlantic Beach, Fl
Ok everyone just wanted to let yall know. Tricare approved My lower trunk tummy tuck with a little extra to be done. My plastic surgeon in Jacksonville is awesome and goona do my Breast lift along with skin removal there and give me some saline implants at the same time he does tummy tuck..He described the tt and what the lower trunk lift will do basically take care of the fat on back as well and lift my butt too..Im so excited. The surgery date is 2-23-05. So im down to counting down the days.I also wanted to let everyone know of a promise I made to my wonderful kids and husband and the the plastic surgeon. I promised once I had a surgery date I was gonna QUIT smoking..It will aide in the healing process from the tt and boob job and its dangerous anyway with anthestics.I have 4 packs left then im done. I gave up food and sodas...Let me rephrase that I gave up my food addiction and learned to control my food instead of it controlling me.I learned moderation in the last year and could not be any happier with myself. Im asking for everyone to pray for me and my family cause I know the smoking thing is gonna be hard and basically quitting cold turkey with no help..My kids promised to be good till all the nicotine is out of my system, but god help my nerves...My first Bday is coming up on the 27th and I have worked so hard this year to become healthy its time to dump the last bad habit I have. This will be hard for me since most of friends smoke and so does my husband which btw is not ready to quit. He will start smoking outside for me.Im officially down 138 lbs as of yesterday and getting ready for this year.Im a work in progress and cant wait to get all this skin removed, and actually see the size in clothes difference right now im in a 17 juniors but only cause all the skin on tummy...so there will be a huge change after the surgery.1 year ago i was 323 lbs size 30 in pants and a size 30/32 top which was very snug and a size 50 DD bra. My tops are now large and bra is a 36 c which i cant fill up anymore but not for long. Anyways keep me in your prayers and gl to all in their journeys to a healthier happier life. 323/185/150
(deactivated member)
on 1/20/05 7:48 pm
Sorry to butt in... GOOD LUCK with quitting smoking! I have heard wonderful things about Allen Carr's "Easy way to quit smoking" books... maybe they'll help? Funny thing about the book, it actually asks that you continue to smoke as you read it. Maybe it works for you AND your hubby: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0572028512/qid=1106307956/sr=8-2/ref=pd_ka_2/002-4255231-8276807?v=glance&s=books&n=507846 http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0572028628/qid=1106307956/sr=8-1/ref=pd_ka_1/002-4255231-8276807?v=glance&s=books&n=507846
Susan A. M.
on 1/21/05 12:06 am - OH
I hope I am not being too nosey, but if you don't have a hernia, how did the insurance company approve it? They usually call anything like that Cosmetic Surgery and won't touch it. Maybe I can convince my insurance company too!
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