Insomnia- my latest frustration
Okay now I don't know if this has to do with WLS or not but I have beed having sever insomnia attacks. I work evenings from 3pm to 11:30pm and when I get home I unwind a bit then try to go to bed...Then nothing...I lay there for hours until my exhausted body finally gives up....Lately I have been going to bed at 5am or later and then getting up with my daughter at 9am.....I am mentally and physically exhausted can anyone help me? I figure it is stress but I don't know...I take Tylenol PM once in awhile but i don't want to have to rely on a med for sleep....Let me know!

Hi Stacy. I have had bouts of insomina since surgery. I don't have a problem going to sleep, I just can't stay asleep. I finally went to the doctor because I was exhausted all the time because I might only get 3 hours of sleep a night. At first I took Trazadone. It helped at first, but several weeks later I was getting up between 2 and 3 again. Now I am taking Ambien and not real sure if it is helping either. I was just so exhausted I had to do something. Hope you find some relief soon. I know it is frustrating especially when you have little ones, as I have three but at least they go to school so if need be, I can go back to bed.
Good luck
Dear Stacy -
Hello! By the way, you look fabulous in your photos!
Now, regarding insomnia - I too have been known to suffer from this, and it is really a pain in the rear. Getting the sleep and rest that your body needs is so very important.
I too did not wish to rely on anything chemical. So, my doctor referred me to the gym (I know - this is so cliche, but please read on).
Now mind you, I am the LAST, the VERY LAST person that would ever go into the gym. However, I have met some really great people there, and it has become routine.
The first few days (a week or so), it was such a struggle. I would ride the reclining bike, and get my heart rate up to around 140, and ride for a few minutes. Maybe just 5 or so to start. I would never pu**** - the last thing you want is to hurt yourself. Then, as the days continued, I have worked up to 40 minutes on the bike, and around 25 on the treadmill "power walking". I do this Monday through Friday, with weekends "off for good behavior" hahaha....
I have to tell you - this has totally cured my insomnia. My schedule is such that I always said that I never had time to go to the gym - however, with my gym (24 Hour Fitness), the time of day was never important. So, I FORCED myself to go - and it has helped me so much!
Now, please forgive me if I am making any assumptions - - for all I know, you may already be getting this kind of physical activity. But, just IN-CASE you are not, I cannot stress enough to you how much this helps insomnia - and without any chemicals.
Good luck with your insomnia, and please keep us updated on your progress. And remember, at the end of the day, YOU ARE FABULOUS!
God bless,
I take 500 mg of magnesium every morning and at night. I found out that insomnia is sign of adrenal fatigue, your adrenaline glands are stressed so they cannot make enough of the sleep hormones you need to sleep. Try the magnesiun with calcium citrate before bed, see how it works for you, It has helped me a lot. Good luck.
I take 500 mg of magnesium every morning and at night. I found out that insomnia is sign of adrenal fatigue, your adrenaline glands are stressed so they cannot make enough of the sleep hormones you need to sleep. Try the magnesiun with calcium citrate before bed, see how it works for you, It has helped me a lot. Good luck.
I take 500 mg of magnesium every morning and at night. I found out that insomnia is sign of adrenal fatigue, your adrenaline glands are stressed so they cannot make enough of the sleep hormones you need to sleep. Try the magnesiun with calcium citrate before bed, see how it works for you, It has helped me a lot. Good luck.