Doing great, down by 1/2 of myself! LOL.....
Hello, all you wonderful people out there! I think that January 2004 is probably my favorite of all months - look at how it has changed our lives!
I have lost 187 pounds (I currently weigh 188), and I am so thrilled. Down from a 60 waist to a 38 waist (should get smaller after tummy tuck/skin removal), and down from a 3X shirt to a Medium!
I am having quite a bit of minor problems however. I have been unable to slow down my weight loss (I know this sounds stupid, but my doctor says I am beyond goal and I need to try and slow down the weight loss - so forgive this stupid post hahaha), and I am unable to eat much more that 1500 calories without getting sick - - I have been in and out of the hospital for bowel obstructions, and I am battling kidneys that are literally FILLED with stones. PLEASE, EVERYONE - YOU *MUST* DRINK YOUR WATER OR ELSE END UP LIKE ME - but I have learned a bit too late. The kidneys are a real problem for me now. You know, hard to urinate, blood in urine, and pain.
Anyone else out there in our January group battling severe kidney stones, bowel obstructions, etc? For men, I can tell you its the worst - you always feel like you have to pee, and when you finally do, only a little comes out. I have excellent doctors who are taking great care of me, but I have been getting just a little depressed about this lately. And those stupid intestinal attacks are the worst.
Even through all of this though, I feel overall so much better. I posted some new photos recently in my profile page. By the way, HOW DO YOU GUYS GET YOUR FACE SHOTS under your name when you post on these boards?? I would love to do that!!!
God bless you all - have a great day!!
- Michael
Awesome job with your weight loss!!
As for your question regarding the photos, email the photo team your photos: [email protected]
they will take care of it for you.
Michael! Congratulations to you on your great loss. I am sorry to hear of your kidney, etc. problems. Keep in touch with the docs - they will get you through this. As far as bowel obstruction - is it fibre related or constipation related? I know this is gross to discuss, but I had severe constipation and my primary doc prescribed a very gentle laxative called "MIRALAX" by Braintree Pharmaceuticals. The product is a miracle drug - thus its name! I found I got severely impacted with Benefibre, etc.
Just a tip....hope you get better soon. I had my surger in January, too! the 29th! I am down 101# and happy as a pig in slop!!!
Regards, Midge Ruhl
Hi Midge! Thanks for the comments!
My obstruction and subsequent attacks have been caused by kinks in the actual intestine, causing at first "partial obstructions" which are like painful abdominal attacks with vomiting, followed by a complete closure where I needed to be hospitalized (twice). They were able to clear this without the need for surgery, by having me NPO (nothing per oral) and on IV only, with a couple weeks bed rest, constant monitoring, etc. - and it did indeed clear up. After around 13 days or so I was finally allowed to drink/eat again, but they had me back on broth again - and that was all I was allowed. After so many months having passed, you can imagine how yucky broth would be. And, even though it was hospital food, when the nurses would bring in things like Salisbury Steak with Mashed Potatoes and Veggies for the other patient in my room, I would go nuts with the smells - nothing by mouth is the worst
Have a fabulous week, and I will talk to you later!
- Mike