This story is just too good to not share with my AMOS sisters (kinda mushy for the brothers!)

Ya'll know about my new traveling consulting position that I have now right? Well I was flying back to Tampa from Nashville the other night on a very late flight. I got to the airport really early because I had nothing to do - already checked out of hotel & it was late at night - not a lot to do besides night clubs and stuff.
Anyway - that proved to be a mistake because it was freezing in the airport and all I had on was a golf shirt and shorts - complete with sandals - not even socks and shoes. So I already knew that when I did get on the plane the first thing I was going to do was pick up a blanket and a few pillows and sleep the whole flight. The plane only had around 18 people total - so I was guaranteed all three seats to myself.
However, as I was lining up to board, a REALLY cute 20-something kid starts talking to me. Now back up the bus here a minute. I am 30 years old, have had an extremely long day - so by this time my hair is as flat and yucky as it can get - and there are zero traces of make-up left. I also look as exhausted as I feel. I couldn't wait to get on the plane and sleep!

But Mr. Cute man (that's what we'll call him) was also wearing Curve - if you have smelled it on a man - ladies, you'll know what I'm talking about that you just melt!
Needless to say, he struck up a conversation and I was playing it low key thinking he was just being nice to that older lady while in line to board. Now remember - there are only 18 or so people on the plane - we all get our OWN AISLE! He not only takes my carry-on bag for me, but has me pick a seat and then sits down next to me! At this point, I have mixed feelings. One, I wanted to go to sleep. But two - he is GORGEOUS and wearing Curve. What is a girl to do? I choose active conversation with Mr. Cute man.
He got up and found me a blanket and a pillow. Then proceded to cover me up. He also asked me not to go to sleep because he found me intriguing so far and would like to get to know me better. Well - at this point I was all ears! During the flight, we exchanged home stories, likes and dislikes in the opposite sex, and even went into some pretty steamy details!

At this point I didn't need blush, because my cheecks were burning! It never turned vulgar or distasteful, but was exciting and forbidden. Also during the flight he kept brushing my thighs and finding excuses to hold/touch my hand.
I finally asked him what a young kid like him wanted with a 30-year old woman. He said "do you want the truth or what you want to hear?" Of course I said that I wanted the truth - I'd already been around the block with the stories and such. He said that I was natural and beautiful and he would love to make passionate sex on the beach! I COULDN'T BELIEVE MY EARS!!!!! He said that I had the perfect body, hair and he loved my smile (I have been told many times that I have a beautiful smile - so that one wasn't hard to believe). But I told him he was just bull****ing me and just wanted to get laid. He said no, and to prove it, I'll take your number and call you in a few days and we'll develop a relationship first.
Now - he lives in Tampa and I live in Gainesville and travel. So I have no interest in dating a 22-year old still in college. So I told him that truly, I'd be more interested in a weekend of ****** than a relationship (tmi - I know...). He did ask a small favor however, he was going to call a cab to take him to his dorm (of all places...) but asked if I wouldn't mind dropping him off. ARE YOU KIDDING??? An opportunity to spend more time with Mr. Cute man? Besides - it was only 5 minutes away. So I dropped him off and he kissed me so passionately that I thought I would pass out. I have to say that was the best kiss that I have EVER had! Maybe the exclusiveness of it all played a factor - but I didn't care! It was dreamy!
He took his bags, hugged me and went off to his dorm room - the perfect gentleman. Needless to say that I'm sure nothing will ever come from it. But I'll tell you what - I have to say that was the best plane ride I have ever had! I'll remember that experience for the rest of my life!
This was kind of long - but I hope worth it! Enjoy - because I sure did!