Finally below 200, it's been along ride!
Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to finally share that I can say for the first time since I was 18 that I am below 200#.
I decided to check out the scale and see how I really was doing and low and behold 199#!
I'm afraid to go back in there for fear it may say above 200#...
Thanks all of you for your constant support, the best support group one could ever ask for!

Congratulations!!! I cant wait to be there, im at 211 and its driving me crazy the scale wont move but I know eventually I will prevail over my scale and finally reach my secong goal...My first was to be 100 down in 6 months and i made it. I am a little over 7 months and a total of 111 down meaning i started at 322...what a difference. Keep up the good work

Gosh you girls don't know how lucky you are!!!!!!
I had my surgery weeks before most of you and still haven't reached below 200
I am still losing just REALLY, REALLY slow so it gets discouraging when I read here about everyone's sucesses.
That's mostly why I haven't been on the boards much lately...not that I am not happy for everyone else because I is just frustrating and depressing!
Ughhh!!! I'll get there...just needed to vent!! lol!
Hugs and best wishes to all!!!