completly ashamed...!
Well I thought all was going great, well I have been going to the gym now and started doing 3 spinning classes a week and excersicing the other days of the week, so i was also weighing myself at the gym and well it was going down and then up then down. Well I thought I was 197 and so joyful, well in actuallity I went to a friends house and weighed since hers is accurate, and well....... I weighed in at 220 pounds, I feel like im gonna cry and give up all together. Not only am I not even at a hundred pound loss but not even close in my eyes, and have only lost 90 pounds in 6 months. and I know its my fault because I eat sf stuff and think theres no carbs but now i know im wrong and am going to keep track of my food and continue working out, i just pray that even though im at 6 months that i will still lose weight and it wont stop. I may be bloated because my period is coming in a few days ( a wk away)... Can we retain water from to much salt in foods.... Thanks for listening to me whine, but im truly about to give up, that was sooooo depressing.
THanks Betty

Your doing great Betty,
I have only lost 72 lbs. and have been stuck on a plateau for 4 weeks, you exercise way more than me, and you look great.
Wouldn't you agree that any weightloss is better than gaining? And had you not had the surgery you would have done just about anything to loose 25 lbs. not to mention even 90.
So Cheer Up your doing great, your just in a bigger hurry than your body.
275/203/150ish someday??
Betty, Betty, Betty, you have nothing to be ashamed of! 90 lbs. in 6 months!!
That's fantastic! I started out at 248 lbs. and have lost a total of 96.5 (12 lbs. before surgery) so in reality I've only lost 84.5 in 6 months! I'm one of the slower losers, but I don't care, I'm loosing!!
I go by my scales. There are consistent with my doctors. I go back to my surgeon on 9/1/04.
Keep up the good work!!
some day I hope

Don't put yourself down! I've followed my program to the letter and only lost 80 lbs in six months. Sounds to me like you are doing great.
I can understand the depressed state though. Who wouldn't be depressed to think they'd lost 23 lbs more than they have actually lost. Lets hope the gym's scale is correct and your friends is wrong. I'd have to run by the doctors office for a weigh in to find out which is right.
You will get past this temporary depression in a few days, then get back up and work harder at losing your weight.
Best wishes for a continued successful WLS journey.
Hi Betty,
You have nothing to be ashamed of. First of all everyone's scale is different. I had three different doctors appointments in the month of July and all three were completely different. One scale said that I was 15 pounds heavier than mine at home. I couldn't believe it. I did ask the doctor and she told me to go by the scale I use on a regular basis, but to compare it to my surgeons office. My surgeons scale says that I weigh five pounds more than my scale at home.
You are doing an awesome job! There is no giving up. Just keep moving forward and keep positive thoughts. Look at how far you have come and look at where you are going! Hey, there are tons of road blocks on this journey we are all on. We need to expect them and move around them and keep going!
Take care and again, you're doing awesome!
Hi Betty I feel for you really I do. We are at the same weight. 90lbs in 6 months. That is awesome. Keep up the good work. Nobobys scale is exactly the same. Be proud. Strut your los and let EVERYONE know thaat you lost 90lbs and see what kind of atention you get. It lifts depression and all other bad feelings right off. I'll be praying for you.
In Prayers
Linda Williams
90# down is FANTASTIC!!!!!!! NOTHING AT ALL TO BE ASHAMED OF!!!! How many comments do you get from friends, family, co-workers everyday! Let them know how much you appreciate the comments. A lot of people at work at first did not want to say anything to me, afraid of hurting my feelings I guess, but I told everyone how motivating it is for me to hear the comments, and they are pouring in almost every day and every hour!!!!!!! One girl in my Pilates class calls me 'skinny minny' now, the instructor keeps making comments about how changed I am from when I first started going to the class, even the guy behind the counter at the Y asked me how much weight I had lost!
To MY eyes, your friend's scale is inaccurate for you and needs to be thrown against the wall!!!!!! Your clothes, friends and family all tell you something different than one stupid scale! Ignore it, keep up the ex and don't give up!
Oh Betty .... 90 lbs is fantastic! I can't wait until I hit 90 lbs. Also, don't forget, muscle weighs more than fat, so if you are working out you may have far more muscle than fat. Also note, that scales have to be constantly calebrated. Most people, once they buy a scale, never have it calebrated. Doctors scales tend to be calebrated more frequently. However, back to the main thrust of the issue .... 90 LBS IS FANTASTIC IN 6-7 MONTHS!!!!!!