Umm... libido problems?
Kind of an embarrassing question, but...
I noticed that right after my surgery, my libido/sex drive skyrocketed. And lately, the past month or so, it's been... well... flatlining, totally, to put it plainly. Sure, I'm a little stressed from work issues, but I don't think I've been depressed or anything. I've been a bit irritable. A little low on energy. But not being able to respond to my loving guy when all he wants is a hug? I don't want to be touched, even!
Have you all noticed anything like this happening at about this stage? Is it just that my hormones are out of whack maybe? I started depo provera 3 months ago, but I've been on it before and don't remember it doing this to me!
Is this normal?
The only thing I can suggest is talking to your PCP to see what could be causing it, and what could be done. That's what I plan on doing when I see mine in a few weeks. At this point, I've just chalked it up to being tired, and stressed.
I also plan on asking her about that new Avlimil that I have seen advertised on TV. I don't know if its something we can take or not.
René S
I had my 6-month checkup the other day with my surgeon's assistant -- all my blood tests look perfect, she said. I'm down 90 lbs, exercising, getting my protein, doing everything I SHOULD be doing. She suggested maybe it's just that my hormones are fluctuating right now. Or, it's stress-related. I think I'm going to try cutting out some stress (waiting to talk to my boss about that now, it's time to outsource some of my projects since I am overwhelmed here), and a quiet and relaxing weekend with my honey is in order. The kind where you shut off the ringers on the phones and pretend you're not home. They're calling for rain around here this weekend, so, it'll be good.
But hey!!! It's good to know I'm not the ONLY ONE!!!

A few things I've learned that make some sense to me...
We are all burning fat cell at a rapid pace...and fat cells trap hormones so they can't be used. Now, when we started loosing this weight, all those hormones were released, which explained the increase in our sex drives. Depro provera is an abortificiant, which causes the uterus to basically act like you are already pregnant so that no fertilized eggs can implant. This drug not only effects your uterus, but other systems in your body. This might cause your body to slow down its production of all those cool sex drive hormones like testosterone, etc. and start producing more progesterone, and estrogen, which are in rocket levels during pregnancy. These hormones don't really help with libido at all.
The bad thing is that most all oral contraceptives will do this to a womans body. It might even slow down your weight loss, because a pregnant womans body is programed to STORE fat. Also, you should probably kick up your calcium/magnesium intake, because contraceptives also suck these from your system (more of a risk with our malabsorption issues) and you could start having some real trouble with your teeth (as soon as your next dentist appointment) and bones.
What do you think? My husband and I already have two, so we opted for a vasectomy and future adoption if we wanted more children. It was liberating. But I've walked down the oral contraceptive road before. What a trip.
Let me know how things are going.