6 month anniversary!
Well, Kim and I share this monumentous date (also surgeons, etc.). All of my general goals have been met: Fit in the airplane seat on the trip to Texas (no problem with room to spare). Cancel all plus size clothing catalog subscriptions (done, even Junonia which I thought I would still need for sport bras). Get a REAL sport bra (from a place named Athleta-awesome place so check it out on line). Climb trees with my children, hike, canoe, swim our 2 mile lake (all now part of a normal week-I can lap the lake for hours).
My goal weight is 156 as per my pcp's med chart. A month ago I was-98 pounds (started at 316) and it's been a good month. I don't even think about my numbers, though. I'm too busy living well. Through this process I have been freed from my food/weight/size addiction. Thank God.
I've learned much from you all, and can't wait to read our one year comments. Amazing journey, isn't it?