Is anyone dealing with depression? It feels kind of like postpartum depression. (The one after you have a baby) Everything is stressing me out, I want to cry all the time. I am looking for a theripist, but I was wondering if anyone else was going through this. I hate my body, my loss, or no loss depending on the day, my job and my family. Thanks for listening.
Your not the only one. My Dr told me this is normal because our hormons are out of wack. Go to your primary Dr to get med's if you feel you cant handle this anymore. I'm hanging in there, dont want to take anything for it. Been feeling like this for the past 2 1/2 weeks. Really sad and dont even know why. Hang in there we can get through this together.
I think we are going through the same type of thing. I went to a therapist for 4 visits on my 'eating problem' hoping it would help me not get into old habits again. It helped some but I can't afford to go. I am taking 10 mg of Paxil but still am depressed. I just feel wishy washy. I'm thinking about going to Overeaters anonymous. I sure don't think it would hurt. One thing my therapist suggested to me. I guess we will just have to be here for each other till we all work through it. Things will get better. Thinking of you.

I feel like like my emotions are on a roller coaster also. I keep yelling at hubby and kids for stupid reasons (and some not so stupid
). I have been feeling really blue. So you are not alone. One minute i am real happy and the next sad. I even feel guilty at times because my family (sisters) are having weight problems and they keep saying I took the easy way out. and everyone keeps asking for how much weight i have lost and i have to keep tellin' them the same amount because i am on a plateau. And there response is "Your not losing anymore?" or some other annoying question
Anyways, hang in there, you are not alone.

I have been battling depression on and off for years. I started taking Paxil when I was 18 yrs old and guess what I gained 45 lbs from it. As if I needed to gain more weight. But since my surgery I have definately felt like I am sad all the time and want to cry more than usual. I am now on 10mg of lexapro and it seems to be taking the edge off it. And I think that may be part of why I am exhausted. Because i look at my self and I still see a fat person, I still feel that even in a size 12 people are looking at me and calling me fat b/c that's what my mind is saying. But remeber you have made a huge step and lost a large amount of weight fast. Your mind has to catch up with your body. It's almost like the stages of grieving. You have to deny to yourself that you look good, you have to angry b/c you are stuck at a certain weight forever. You have to blame it on something or someone as to why you are depressed, Then you bargin with your body saying "If I could just get to a certain weight I would be happy (knowing that when you got to that weight you would just want to lose more.) Then finally your mind and body accept the changes emotional and physical for what they are. It's like giving up a part of you that has exsisted for what seems like eternity. You are a new person on the outside, but on the inside you still have those feelings and defense mechanisms you had to use when you were heavier. Now I am not saying this how you or everone feels, but this is how I feel. And until I can totally let go of my old self then I don't see me getting any happier. Whew.....Boy am I long winded. Sorry guys if I have been going on and on. I hope this makes sense to someone other than me. GOOD LUCK AND GOOD JOB EVERYONE!!!!
Yes, I also am having a hell of a time. When I first came home I would burst into tears over commercials. That went away and I actually started to feel really good but these last few mnths I am struggling again and I have been off my meds now since Jan when I had the surgery. I have had quite the life so I have been on meds for a good part of it and I wanted so bad to just not take anything but I am not sure if that will last.
You are not alone and as one women here said we are going through so much, I also feel like yes I have lost 85+ lbs but I am still fat etc and the people crap all that and yelling for reasons and no reasons, I think sometimes are hormones are going wackie but hopefully it will all work out in the end. I also have not walked in a while and that was helping too.
Thinking of you