I am curious, anyone with hunger pangs?
I had my surgery 1/6, and to date I have not had any hunger pangs! While this is wonderful for me ( I was hungry all the time before surgery and even if I had a large meal, I would be hungry and ready to eat again in 2 hours or so). I have had "head hunger" or smell something cooking and think 'oh, I want some of that' but not real hunger, or where my stomach was growling. I eat at normal meal times, because everyone tells me to eat 3 meals a day, and have protein drinks to get all the protein in, but hunger in terms of rumbling in my stomach, not at all.
I am not complaining, but a few others I have spoken with think it is odd that I don't get hungry. Are there other non hungry people out there?
Just curious!

I have no actual hunger.. like you my battle is in my head.. and will probably continue to be. I never ate cause I was hungry.. I ate cause I needed my friend.. food.. it was my comfort and shelter from the world... it continues to haunt me day and night. Now, don't let that statement fool you.. I love my surgery and what it has done for me.. what I meant was that I am constantly aware of the need for monitoring my intake. I'm very happy with what I've accomplished so far and am still going to lose about 45 - 50 more lbs... but I know that if I don't keep up with what I'm doing and keep myself aware of what I'm feeling and eating.. I could slip back. ok, long answer.. now the short answer.. no my tummy never rumbles and I am never REALLY hungry

very very very rare do i ever feel hungry, I have to remind myself to eat or else i wont, i have gone days without eating before i have relized, oh **** i havent eaten in a while, lol, but then around that time of the month, i feel like im pigging out when i know, for dang sure that it isnt even a quarter of what i used to eat during that time, as far as the munchies goes, hmmmmmmm, well all i can suggest is try and make sure your choices are healthy ones, i have taken a liking to 2% cottage cheese and will munch on that if a craving hits me
There was an article in Atlanta Journal Constitution this past week that stated that bypass patients feel less hunger within fifteen minutes after surgery. Don't quote me, but it mentioned that an enzyme that is released to let us know that we are full is released earlier.....something like that.
As for me, I am hungry all the time and jealous of you guys!!!!!!