Cellulitis and questions.......
Good morning to all of you.....
I have some questions that I was hoping I could get some answers from any of you...
My right calf has been killing me for the past week and a half. I thought it was because I had sunburned at the beach, but the redness, pain, and some swelling never went away. Since I have really bad varicose veins, I decided I needed to go to the PCP to have it checked out. He says I have cellulitis. I have heard of it, but never had it before. He put me on antibiotic pills (celfex, calfax, something like that) and is re-checking me on Friday.
I have two questions:
1. Have any of you ever had cellulitis? Can you tell me what it felt like?
2. My weight loss stalled at the same time I got this. Can stalled weight loss be a by-product of cellulitis? Have any of you ever experienced this? When I asked my PCP, he said maybe, maybe not...depending on the person and their body make-up. How's that for being PC!!
Thanks to all of you in advance fro any info you can give me.

Hi Jill, an area that has cellulitis is usually warm to touch, red and quite painful. It's an inflammation of the cells beneath the skin. You can get it most any area, but legs seem to get it the most. If severe enough the doctor will often do IV antibiotics to clear it up. The one they put you on....Keflex...works well for cellulitis. If it is not getting significantly better though, go back to the doctor, they may need to do the IV antibiotics. Best wishes to you.