Scars itching!!!
Has anyone received a name of a good lotion/cream to use on their stomachs and incisions? I've tried several different things and my stomach and scars itch like crazy. My husband said I look like a monkey at times...
I really don't want to call the surgeon's office and was hoping someone else might be experiencing the same thing.

Hey Michele...
Mine itches quite a bit too!! AND.. It's keloid and RED!! UGLY
My dermatologist suggested Mederma and even gave me samples/coupons for it and I mentioned to him that i've been using cocoa butter and he said that was a good choice because it keeps it moisturized.
I am seeing him again on the 7th and am going to question him about it once more, if I hear of anything good to use on it I'll let ya know!!
Another itching monkey hehe!