Getting real tired of feeling like this...
Hi. I need a place to vent and hopefully some of you will have some encouragement.
I had my RNY on 1/23. About 4 weeks out I had an Endoscopy where the surgeron had to use a balloon to fix my stricture and he also found an ulcer right on the seam line of the new pouch. So at 6 weeks I went back to my 4 week diet on soft foods and had to eliminate a couple of them because of the ulcer. Last Friday was my 3 month mark since surgery and all of a sudden problems start appearing again. I'm now on ANOTHER med for my stomach and Monday I have to call the office and let them know how I am doing. If I have not improved or it has gotten, I will have to have ANOTHER Endoscopy. This will be #3 since surgery! Food has now become the worst enemy and was once my best friend. It doesn't matter what I eat, my stomach hurts and sometimes I will vomit. It is difficult to be so excited about losing 73.5 lbs when you're not feeling good. I want to get out and walk more but I constantly feel like I am going to vomit and end up staying home.
I apologize for all the negativity. Has anyone else been experiencing anything like this? The really funny thing is if I had to do it all over again, I would. I've lost 73+ lbs in 14 weeks!!
Thanks for listening.
Michele, Yes I have some of the same problems that you are experiencing. My surgery was 1/19 and I have already had 3 scopes. Go back Thursday to see if I need another one. I was 100% blocked so went back to hospital for 3 days and hooked up old stomach using a feeding tube for 30 days. Still on soft foods and will be for a long time. I too would do it again and hope for better luck. Hope you get to feeling better soon and enjoy what this surgery was ment to do for you.
Michele, I haven't had near the problems you have had.. but I do feel sick quite often.. and feel that food is my enemy too... there is nothing I can do to make food enjoyable.. I think of a meal.. and fix it.. and then eat four bites and I'm finished.. so it is pretty much wasted...
but I have lost 72lbs so far so I'm doing well.. nope would do it over again in a moment. nothing tastes so good as being thinner feels.. it sounds pretty trite.. but you gotta feel it ????? I know I sure do.. Just keep trying and it will all work out.. and we will all be praying for your recovery.. !! ~~ Jan

Sometimes I feel ill after I eat and sometimes I don't. Just depends. I think sometimes I still eat way too fast or don't chew enough. I have gotten sick only a few times since surgery but I sure don't like it. My pouch feels like it is turned inside out for a few days if I get sick. Luckily, no problems with strictures. I would definitely do it over again. You are right Jan, nothing tastes as good as being thinner.
I hope that everyone that is having problems will be feeling better VERY soon so you can enjoy your journey to the losing side. Best wishes to all.